Bill Gates’ Ted Talk in 2015 – herd management planning for what we’re facing now
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March, 2015. Bill Gates: The Next Outbreak? We’re not ready
In 2014, the world avoided a global outbreak of Ebola, thanks to thousands of selfless health workers — plus, frankly, some very good luck. In hindsight, we know what we should have done better. So, now’s the time, Bill Gates suggests, to put all our good ideas into practice, from scenario planning to vaccine research to health worker training. As he says, “There’s no need to panic … but we need to get going.”
We have these people–this global, unelected management class–who never did anything to prevent all the wars the world suffers under–but they are from the same power structure–constantly involved in claiming to help people all over the world with their health–meddling with their biology and reproductive capacity–and constantly involved in generating scare stories of disaster.
That’s what is really going on.
They constantly attempt to terrorize us–in a very organized fashion–to alter government policies–with media presentations of various disasters: from earthquakes, to Fukushima, to famines. And they pretend to be doing something constructive about these disasters and providing relief to suffering people. Eventually, for example with Fukushima, governments will tell us when we’re not supposed to worry anymore. But we’re always been kept off balance with the the global view of the world that modern media has provided to us. Marshall McLuhan described this in terms of the power of media and the consequences of it for our identity. Now we are wrapped up in the world as portrayed by media for hours on end, for days on end–even with significant problems going on in our own persona lives that demand our attention. But we are still led to believe that there is a higher priority to something that this artificially constructed Orwellian system of media is presenting to us.
And they are always claiming that they have organizations in place who are busy helping people. No, they’re not messing up all over the world, spreading corruption or vaccine-induced paralysis–oh no, they’re all saints and they’re just helping people.
I’m sure there are many good people trying to help people but they don’t necessarily see what they’re a part of. Are they aware of the nature of the system they are a part of and the goals of the organizations paying them?
They are using these crises as opportunities (that’s the formula) to meddle in the worst way in places where they are go–with genetically modified food and making sure that people have everything they “need” to not reproduce. These organizations have been running this trick for a long time. For documentation, I point to Kissinger’s national security memorandum and report on the policy of tackling overpopulation.
It’s amazing, in 2015 and now, that Bill Gates has the nerve to stand up on stage despite having damaged so many children in India and Africa with his vaccines. At this point in 2015 he had not yet been kicked out of India. People don’t hear about this because the mainstream media has not informed them of it. We’ve had the Internet for a while now–but censorship has been ramped up in recent years more and more. It is urgent that people make full use of available information now and stand in the way of efforts to censor information. Censorship is mentioned in a later 2019 exercise that the Gates Foundation funded ( The 2019 event was the type of thing he was advocating for in this talk.
Basically, in this talk Bill Gates is complaining that with the Ebola outbreak they didn’t have access to thousands of workers needed in order to run a medical dictatorship.
He talks about the “global failure” of the Ebola campaign, claiming that WHO wasn’t equipped enough to help. If these UN agencies–and the Gates Foundation–didn’t do what they should have done then (e.g. blood transfusion treatment, etc), why would they work now? Why should anyone reward them with more money and power? That doesn’t make sense. Maybe their purpose isn’t what people assume.
Gates refers to a poster of the movie Contagion saying that Hollywood is not like real life. In the Hollywood movie (part of the propaganda system), the heroes actually “save the day” and are portrayed as trying to help people. Gates says it’s not like that in real life. So is he saying we should hand over money and power but maintain our low expectations?
His big message is: “next time we might not be so lucky.”
He sets up this fear-mongering, apocalyptic concept of a global plague that devastates the world.
Why should there even be such a thing? This is just a formula for consolidating control. It’s just another story–with an element of truth–contrived to grab power over the world–just like the other stories (sometimes with elements of truth) about the threat of nuclear war all these years–and the threat of global warming that people like Al Gore have promoted. This is the agenda of the Club of Rome, of the elites–to terrify people into submitting to a world government. H. G. Wells and Bertrand Russell pushed the same types of messages. “You people don’t know what you’re doing. Submit to us or die.” War after war. Global cooling, global warming, ozone hole. Disaster after disaster–exaggerated or not–they pull the same stunt. They want us to give up our rights, freedoms and independence.
He refers to the Spanish flu of 1918 but it’s clear to me that was related to the horrific disaster of World War I that was completely man-made and unnecessary. People are still being sold on World War I by Hollywood propaganda. Something truly evil and destructive–so much death and destruction–had been generated by the abusive elites that created that war. So why would anyone be surprised that additional evil came out of it?
Who would have asked those governments and financiers at the time–who were responsible for making sure millions of young men were mowed down by machine guns–to save the world and help people? (
You are going to expect the same types of people to look after the world’s health?
They don’t have an agenda of caring for people. They have an agenda of sterilizing people. The 1974 report sponsored by Kissinger talks about measures to reduce fertility. (
Gates goes on about how we have all the technology now for total medical surveillance–to help them. We have cell phones, data distribution, satellite maps–we have all these great tools but they didn’t use them.
So he was calling for a “global health system” in order to use these tools effectively. It’s called mass surveillance. It’s like 1984 with a medical justification.
How have these international agencies improved our health care? Have they? Gates is the major funder of WHO and WHO issues declarations to us about what germs we are supposed to be scared of and to sell us on taking “vaccines.”
The same elites who have created and run these agencies and foundations have pushed euthanasia, abortion, and birth control/sterilization. That’s what we have lots of. Not families who are strong and healthy. We have more and more disorders and dysfunctions of every kind. Gates is talking about infectious diseases but what about the enormous numbers of those afflicted with cancer? What about the autism rates going sky high? These agencies seem to have good information sometimes–good people can be anywhere–but they are not preventing whatever is causing these conditions. They are failing and we should not be bowing to them.
Gates compares his type of preparedness to NATO’s preparedness for war which is really unfortunate. You see how he legitimizes NATO’s wars. Someone’s going to make the world healthier with the wars continuing as they do. These people are all in lockstep. They are the same power structure. People like Bob McNamara back in the day–after he conducts war in Vietnam–he then goes to the world Bank and conducts depopulation. They love people and want to help them?
And all this technology we live with today that Gates is so proud of–actually it did come from military programs. Also there were elite scientists and intellectuals after World War II who met and talked about how to control people–at the Macy Cybernetics conferences ( They and the Foundations who supported them went to work on social engineering, new religious concepts, the sexual revolution (Margaret Mead attended these), Kinsey’s abusive research, MKultra programs using LSD–and eventually we get the Internet and the type of society we have today, and all the drugs they offer us today for mental health.
The basic outline of all of this was described in Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World. His brother Julian was immersed in creating the world system still being worked on today–including transhumanism and its insistence on lowering the status of human beings
Gates mentions the idea that health relates to giving children lots of vaccines.This is the belief system we have been sold. See the record of the paralysis cases in India for example. here is more going on. It is about control over peoples’ genetics, as described by Arthur Koestler in The Ghost in the Machine. Jonas Salk wrote about interfering with people in the same way in Survival of the Wisest. Bertrand Russell spelled it out: interfering with the DIET (now we have GMO food and blatant attacks on animal foods which Gates is also involved with), INJECTIONS (“vaccines”) and INJUNCTIONS (intense media indoctrination, use of slogans, education system, etc.)
We had very few vaccines when I was young and they never stopped me from getting sick. Somehow we ended up with lots of allergies all these years–people may have noticed. I am sure there is a connection. But now children are confronted with more vaccines that parents never had. And most parents, because of their conditioning, refuse to investigate these vaccines and challenge them. Negative effects of these vaccines are being actively suppressed.
Gates refers to the need for exercises and pandemic “simulations”. There were a series of these listed at the website I mentioned here:
It’s just pure nonsense that we are at war with germs as if germs are naturally all-powerful. We’re not dropping dead or getting sick all the time if we are healthy. That’s not how nature works.
And the establishment is constantly funding the meddling with of viruses and trying to make them more virulent with their research. This is the same establishment that digs up old viruses from under the permafrost.
I’m not worried about “germs” winning–if we have functioning immune systems with proper food. It’s these people who are successfully neutering us–disempowering us economically and in terms of information propaganda and indoctrination.
He claims that such a budget would be “very modest” compared to the consequences of not intervening. Why don’t the elites just leave countries alone–let them become prosperous? They don’t do that. Their whole agenda is to LIMIT GROWTH ( They’ve been DEMONIZING the right of people to access resources and claiming that the world is going to run out of resources because of “too many people.” How on earth is anyone supposed to have proper health care if they have been deliberately impoverished and even told not to produce so much energy because of climate change doctrine? This came out of the think-tank the Club of Rome, Agenda 21 and people like Maurice Strong.
And now this impoverishment policy–via the COVID-19 shutdown– is finally coming around to western countries like Canada. Everyone is being EQUALIZED, leveled down to austerity–to living “green” without the means to keep food and health care running independently and effectively. We are supposed to submit to this group of monopolists.
But it’s not any group’s right to run the whole world! Doesn’t anyone realize that? Who put these people up on a pedestal and made them God? They don’t have the right to go around the world experimenting on us and training us not to have families. That is what they are really doing.
When he talks about millions of death, the audience assumes that is something abnormal, but people die every day. Statistics can be used to lie to us–just by omitting information.
The implication of what he is saying–his sales job–is that his type of global administration will prevent disasters like Ebola. Is there any evidence that this is even true at all? It is an incredible claim. He has these vaccines–supposedly they work! Or do they? Prove it. There is nothing specific and concrete in what he says. He is expressing sentiments–stirring up fear and offering blanket statements.
“We need to get going because time is not on our side.”
These groups manage events and the interpretation of those events. This is the power we’ve allowed them to have. This is the danger of allowing nations to integrate together and all be led in the same direction. We haven’t judged the behavior, the truth value and the results of following these types of people. But people should know about Henry Kissinger and what he did to Vietnam and he is promoting this new COVID-19 world order. Why can’t we keep things simple and make judgments about what kinds of people we allow into our living rooms to lecture us and indoctrinate our children? Can’t we see their terrible track records? Can’t we assess their intentions and goals better than we do?
“If we start now we can be ready for the next epidemic.”
So he was predicting another epidemic event. I think we can tell that those who dominate the culture industries have been promoting the idea of mass disease epidemics for a long time along with other types of crises scenarios.
Again and again, the media has been pushing scare stories about epidemics–and there have been some very serious outbreaks in some cases but they have always been contained–which is natural for people to do.
Now, this year, 2020, suddenly we have this situation–with Bill Gates front and center–of exaggerated, hyped, distorted numbers and repetition from the media. And people need to understand what all of this is really about. Many have fallen for much of it, but not everybody. Many people can see that there is a takeover going on against our basic rights, and our economy–and all of this is run by deception. This is a new type of world–as they keep saying openly–a new system of control.
The stakes are high. It is overwhelming, and that is why we need as many people as possible to snap out of the delusion and put a stop to this. I appeal to readers to assess what their values are, what their standard of truth is, to think straight and judge fairly. Listen to their intuition and listen to reason.
This film encapsulates much of the relevant information:
For commentary and link to his infamous 2009 Ted Talk, go here.