Canadian Peace Alliance: Canada has no place in Mali
Canada has no place in Mali (original:
By Canadian Peace Alliance, | January 19, 2013
‘Military intervention in African nation could lead to endless war…
‘…The real reason for NATO’s involvement is to secure strategic, resource rich areas of Africa for the West. Canadian gold mining operations have significant holdings in Northern Mali as do may other western nations.
‘Canada’s new interventionism, which includes the building of 3 military bases in Tanzania, Senegal and Kenya, is therefore primarily about securing the area for further plunder. Canadian troops are already stationed in Niger ready to launch an invasion.
‘We urge the Canadian Government to withdraw all troops from the surrounding region. We also call on Canadians to demand of the Harper government that it withdraw from membership in NATO, membership which constantly drags us into every neo- colonial, military adventure of the western powers in the world….’