Genetically modified crops
- From February:, Feb. 5, 2010 – Bayer to pay $1.5 mln in 2nd lawsuit over GM rice
” … ordered by a jury in the United States to pay $1.5 million in damages to three farmers for losses they incurred because of contaminations of Bayer’s genetically modified rice, the second in about 500 similar cases pending.” “… protein known as Liberty Link, which allows the crop to withstand applications of a certain weed killer.”
Comments: A jury standing up for individual rights, in this case property rights.
- From 2007:, March 13, 2007 – Court halt on GMO alfalfa shows USDA failure: critics
“The crop, genetically altered to withstand treatments of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, was approved in 2005. But Judge Breyer immediately halted any more seed sales and ordered that any planting must cease after March 30 after he determined that the USDA violated the law in allowing unrestricted commercial planting of the crop.”
“…”I challenged them over and over to give us any scientific evidence that they can control the gene flow from these crops. So far they haven’t been able to do that,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of The Center for Food Safety, which led the lawsuit against the U.S. Agriculture Department….”“…Over the last decade, the USDA has approved applications for more than 70 genetically modified organism (GMO) crop lines.”
A major concern is contamination of unmodified crops. This article is an example of how government agencies are not protecting the rights – health and property – of the people. In other words, they serve corporate globalist agendas.
If we could just get this point across to people with a few stories like this, it could help shatter the indoctrination that “government is inherently good” or that “government protects us”.
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