Government also announces more threats to due process and rights as Bill C-44 introduced – CSIS powers beefed up under new bill tabled by Steven Blaney
CSIS powers beefed up under new bill tabled by Steven Blaney – Politics – CBC News | 27 October 2014
Bill C-44, dubbed the protection of Canada from terrorists act, was expected to be introduced last week before a gunman launched an attack in the capital.
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In addition to today’s CSIS bill, Blaney said the federal government will also introduce further anti-terrorism measures.
House of Commons Debates: Official Report (Hansard) for Monday, October 27, 2014
C-44: An Act to amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and other Acts
Short Title: Protection of Canada from Terrorists Act
Sponsor: Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Last Stage Completed: Introduction and First Reading in the House of Commons (2014-10-27)