H. G. Wells “The Open Conspiracy”, Part 13
Comments on The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells
Series Contents
By Alan Mercer
Revised PDF version of whole series
(From The Open Conspiracy and Other Writings, 1933, Waterlow & Sons Ltd., London)
Continued from Part 12
Ch. XIV The Open Conspiracy begins as a movement of discussion, explanation, and propaganda
Wells lays out the three fundamental issues upon which the Open Conspiracy must agree:
“… the entirely provisional nature of all existing governments, and the entirely provisional nature of all loyalties associated therewith;
“… the supreme importance of population control in human biology …”
“…urgent necessity of protective resistance against the present traditional drift towards war.” (p. 70)
So the the last point he uses as bait to get those of us who are anti-war on board with his agenda. Peace becomes equated with getting rid of national loyalties and also with reducing population.
Wells gives examples of how he envisages the Open Conspiracy in action, including local people advocating for appropriate books to be put up for sale or placed in their local library. Or parents lobbying for the teaching of Open Conspiracy indoctrination of, for example, what he calls “universal history” (p. 70)
He seems to advocate conscientious objection to war, but he puts provisos on it, and spins it off so that you’re supposed to adopt the whole package he has to offer:
“The time for a conscientious objection to war service is manifestly before and not after the onset of war.” (p. 71)
So he’s right that it’s better to start objecting to war before we get to war. But I wonder if he’s implying that you should just follow along with the war once it starts.
“People who have by their silence acquiesced in a belligerent foreign policy right up to the onset of war, have little to complain of if they are then compelled to serve.” (p. 71)
Of course it is necessary that people speak up about wars of aggression and war propaganda before the wars begin. However, I believe that it is never too late to wake up and object to the war for the sake of doing the right thing and helping to prevent greater evil. If a large enough group objects and speaks out at any time, it may put a stop to the evil. And if you speak out and say no, then others might follow.
“And a refusal to participate with one’s country in warfare is a preposterously incomplete gesture unless it is rounded off by the deliberate advocacy of a world pax, a world economic control, and a restrained population, such as the idea of the Open Conspiracy embodies.” (p. 71)
In other words, Wells requires you to adopt his whole agenda, not just peace. Wells doesn’t allow his followers to object to war without accepting world government control of military security, finances and population.
Many idealistic people who are stuck in the fraudulent left-right paradigm are caught in mental binds like the one Wells tries to impose. For example, those who don’t see themselves as “left-wing”, but who want to protest war. This is all artificial division. Principle is principle regardless of how people are divided into groups.
Wells is a militarist when it comes to military action on behalf of the world government:
“The anticipatory repudiation of military service, …, need not necessarily involve a denial of the need of military action on behalf of the world commonweal for the suppression of nationalist brigandage, nor need it prevent the military training of the Open Conspirators.” (p. 71)
Wells lists seven principles that define the collectivist Open Conspiracy (p. 72):
1) Asserting the “provisional” (temporary) nature of existing governments.
2) Minimizing conflicts of existing governments, militancy and their “interference with the establishment of a world economic system”.
3) Replacing “private, local or national ownership of at least credit, transport, and staple production by a responsible world directorate“.
4) The “practical recognition of the necessity for world biological controls, for example, of population and disease”.
5) The “support of a minimum standard of individual freedom and welfare” (cleverly worded).
6) The “supreme duty of subordinating the personal career to the creation of a world directorate .. and to the general advancement of human knowledge, capacity, and power”
7) Believing that “immortality … lies in the race [human race] and not in our individual selves”.
So Wells throws the individual OUT of the picture, and submerges the individual within a monstrous collective entity.
Opposing the will of the world government conspiracy defines his idea of “wickedness” (p. 74) rather than traditional morality which is about whether or not you are hurting other individuals and their rights. So globalists take the counterpart collectivist morality of government worship to the ultimate degree, although we have always had some amount of it in our indoctrination systems.
Ch. XV Early constructive work of the Open Conspiracy
Wells explains that he didn’t originate the Open Conspiracy:
“In this book we are not starting something; we are describing and participating in something which has started.” (p. 73)
Wells explains the importance of being cozy with scientists and how to get them on board with the agenda. And this explains so much about the world we live in today:
“… when it involves no special trouble for them, when it is the line of least resistance for them, they may be expected to fall in with its convenient and helpful aims….” (p. 74)
So just make it impossible for scientists (and others) to get ahead independently. And in general seduce everyone into serving the system through fear of poverty and fear of ridicule and social exclusion, etc.
And so we have this world we’re living in where most people just go along and do what they’re told. Personal debt. Government debt. Certification monopolies. Restrictions on use of property. Limitations. Licensing. Taxes. Zoning. Fines. Huge lists of laws to break. Fear of being unemployed. This wonderful “freedom” we pretend we have, which can be taken away at the drop of a hat with some terrorist incident, usually a fake “false flag”. And we’re terrified of speaking out against the government wars – which are internationalist wars – really – UN-approved wars – and we’re unable to admit the possibility that our governments are really just tied together at the hip internationally, that they are bound by treaties to conform to Open Conspiracy instructions, that they are really just spending all their time lying to us, keeping secrets and manipulating us, doing terrible things to foreigners, as well as using and abusing us, including the troops some people claim they “support”.
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