How lockdowns were sold to us (part of the story)
The term “lockdown” goes back to the post-9/11 2001 world from what I remember when governments began to practice “school lockdowns.”. Since then it has been legitimized. It is supposed to be a prison term and should never have been applied to schools. This Wikipedia article refers to this term and other tyrannical terminology–as if these things are legitimate–here: I feel very bad for younger generations (and older ones for that matter) that they have not had enough exposure to the concept of rights and freedoms. It’s a fact that they are not prisoners. Tyranny and ordering people around does not grow on trees as if it just part of nature that we have to accept–or part of some transhuman evolution that we have to accept for that matter.
Listen to this:
A lockdown is a requirement for people to stay where they are, usually due to specific risks to themselves or to others if they can move freely. The term “stay-at-home” is often used for lockdowns that affect an area, rather than specific locations.
The term is used for a prison protocol that usually prevents people, information or objects from leaving an area. The protocol can usually only be initiated by someone in a position of authority.
Wow. It’s like the sky is blue and the grass is green, so government orders magically appear and make everyone submit to them because they are good by default.
Lockdowns just happen when someone in “authority” decides what is best for everybody.
Wow. So when all those MKUltra experiments were going on for years, those were legitimate? No.
If the government is doing it, it must be good? Everybody just following orders and disrupting other peoples’ lives–as long as they have some kind of plausible excuse, that’s OK?
How absurd. You mean the excuses used to invade Iraq were legitimate?
The article mentions school incidents:
On April 10, 2008, two Canadian secondary schools were locked down due to suspected firearm threats.
And so after 9/11, the push for tyrannical measures was gradually escalated through all sorts of drills used to condition children at schools especially and the public was conditioned by various events (of a special nature)–and eventually we had this outrage occur:
On 19 April 2013, the entire city of Boston, US was locked down and all public transportation stopped during the manhunt for terrorists Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing, while the town of Watertown was under heavily-armed police and SWAT surveillance, and systematic house-to-house searches were carried out
I think the public reaction was watched carefully in those incidents. People bought it or seemed to. A whole city was “locked down” and they got away with it–just to catch two guys. Nobody ever dreamed of that before in Hollywood movies as far as I know. So that’s how these things are introduced. In other words, whenever “they” say we are prisoners, then we are prisoners. That’s never going to be a morally valid state of affairs. NEVER.
And so, anyway, let’s focus on this year’s lockdowns:
China virus: ten cities locked down and Beijing festivities scrapped | January 23, 2020
. . . unprecedented effort to contain the outbreak of the deadly new virus that has made hundreds of people ill . . .
Notice that the media admits it was “unprecedented” – even for China. That’s because this kind of outrageous tyrannical measure has never been done before–certainly not in Western nations like the U.S., Canada and Britain.
It was unthinkable, but the media and international oligarchical, unelected, Gates-funded institutions pushed it on us anyway as part of a massive Brave New World style power grab.
Notice the loaded language: “deadly new virus” — objectively compared to what? What about influenza deaths every year? Loaded, emotionally manipulative language.
While sweeping measures are typical of China’s communist government, large-scale quarantines are rare around the world, even in deadly epidemics, because of concerns about infringing on people’s liberties, and the effectiveness of such measures is unclear.
“To my knowledge, trying to contain a city of 11 million people is new to science,” Gauden Galea, the World Health Organization’s representative in China, told the Associated Press.
Later in March
China’s Draconian Lockdown Is Getting Credit for Slowing Coronavirus. Would It Work Anywhere Else? | March 13, 2020
The WHO Director-General, who was a member of a human-rights-abusing government, praised China:
“The Chinese government is to be congratulated for the extraordinary measures it has taken to contain the outbreak, despite the severe social and economic impact those measures are having on the Chinese people,” said World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus . . .
He congratulated the Chinese government on how tough they were on their people by inflicting a “severe social and economic impact.”
And then Western countries started to do the same–to “save” us from the hyped and exaggerated virus.
Just ruin our lives and the economy–to “help” us.
The simple question many of us were asking NEVER had a chance to breath!!! It was suppressed by the controlled media.
This is it: Aren’t these measures GOING TO MAKE OUR LIVES WORSE and inflict more casualties through the consequences of poverty and malnutrition (and misdirected health care) than any disease ever could?
But some media did spell it out a little while they were selling these measures as somehow legitimate–when they are not legitimate!!! And they never were. They are outrageous. It’s just people are so deluded now by the same forces acting on their minds through constant propaganda.
But others question the cost of China’s containment, and are asking if it’s worth turning to draconian measures that indiscriminately infringe on citizens’ civil liberties and cripple their livelihoods.
Oh, maybe the “aggressive measures” aren’t “feasible” or “desirable.” Really?
They are ILLEGAL in Canada – we were GUARANTEED rights and freedoms in a CHARTER of the same name!!
And this trick has been pulled before with respect to using 9/11 to erode civil liberties–so it has been a gradual process of selling us on tyranny. It requires more and more corruption in every sense to make it stick.
“No other nation (western or otherwise) can or should seek to replicate China’s actions,” Thomas Bollyky, the director of the Global Health Program at the Washington D.C.-based Council on Foreign Relations, tells TIME via email. “The disregard for civil liberties and human rights that the government has demonstrated in its quarantine and censorship activities are inseparable from the policies and actions of the government . . . ”
More about Bollyky:
I’m Thomas Bollyky, the director of the Global Health program at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of “Plagues and the Paradox of Progress.” . . . I’ve testified multiple times before the U.S. Senate and served as a consultant to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and as a temporary legal advisor to the World Health Organization.
Here is something he said in this interview (January 24, 2020)
We’re in the midst of a terrible flu season. . . .
If viewers wanted to be nervous or scared at home about how to protect themselves from diseases, this new novel virus is still pretty far down the list in terms of what they should be doing something about.
So that’s how he saw it back then. But afterwards, most of these guys all got on the same page for some reason.
Back to the article on China:
Officials launched widespread efforts to trace contacts of those infected, and the government leveraged its mass surveillance systems and technology to restrict people’s movements
enlisted tech companies to create apps to give people a color coded health rating
Then WHO officials and others made pronouncements to claim that the measures were effective.
And the Gates Foundation is the largest funder of WHO as I’ve documented.
Why, of course if we don’t “do something” . . . blah, blah, blah.
Typical justifications for power and control. TV shows and movies–years of post-9/11 propaganda–and also decades earlier–praising the fiery “man of action” who just breaks some heads and “gets things done.” It would have always been better to make distinctions between right and wrong instead of falling for the emotional manipulation.
And lots of people fall for it–as if death isn’t something we have to live with anyway–and how can we cope with anything if we don’t have an income and we don’t go outside? What kind of life is that?! What good is that? Watch what happens to our societies as they collapse because of this take-over by those who are building their perfect “sustainable” world order. It’s an AGENDA. Not my agenda and not yours. It comes packaged with a religion for you to adopt and maybe you already have.
Some residents of affected areas said they could not obtain necessities and medical care, according to rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW).
Video: “I Feel Really Angry” Wuhan Residents on Lockdown Speak to TIME
. . . a teenager with cerebral palsy died when his father and brother were forced into quarantine, . . . A man with cancer . . . unable to purchase life-saving medicine . . .
. . . mental health issues arising from the emotional toll of weeks being locked in small apartments, unable to see friends and family.
Hello!!! World HEALTH ORGANIZATION. This article was back in March. What has happened to us in Canada since March? Patients were turned away from hospitals in many cases–just because of MAGICAL GOVERNMENT ORDERS–they were half empty, nurses were sent home in many places, thousands of surgeries cancelled. That was CTV News! Many people are completely isolated and afraid to go out anywhere. What do you think happens? If people want to share their experiences, please do.
God knows what goes on day by day with the shameful, disgraceful media “coverage.”
. . . the economy ground to a halt, and many Chinese have been unable to work.
“The measures required to stop transmission completely may be too socially or economically extreme,” Ben Cowling, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Hong Kong, tells TIME.
Oh, but he is just a “professor of infectious disease epidemiology”! What does he know when we can listen to our lying governments and media!
The Italian lockdown is discussed. The Italian PM is quoted “We must not try and be clever.”
The U.S. lockdowns are discussed (this was back in March).
But, already in the U.S., life is grinding to a halt.
Referring to Fauci:
Officials are contemplating whether even harsher measures might be required.
All the invented terms like “social distancing” were mentioned in the article repeatedly.
A very good read! I copied and pasted this to my facebook. People really need to understand that our collective governments are trying and succeeding for the most part into bondage. I get a lot of push back from some friends and family members. They actually believe that government has our best interests at heart. They just can’t see the reality of it.