Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights
- TPP Part 11 – Related reasons to defeat the TPP
- TPP Part 6 – A reason why U.S. Congress may try to defeat the TPP (hopefully)
- TPP Part 3 – Just a Question: Will Canadians know where their food comes from under the TPP?
- OpenMedia warns about (now signed) TPP’s threat to Internet freedoms
- TPP (now signed Oct 5) believed to be a threat to Internet freedom
- U.S. Congressional Research Service report on TPP
- Former US Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains what is wrong with TPP
- U.S. Democratic Party platform vs. TPP and “free trade” negotiations
- TPP and Canada
- TPP secrecy and Australia
- TPP: extreme IP provisions, including “data exclusivity” for medical research
- US Congressman Issa questions Obama on TPP, leaked IP text
- TPP Info (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
- Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks (TPP )
- U.S. patent examples relating to fertility management, immunocontraceptive vaccines, special addiction and Alzheimer’s “vaccines”, Canadian government funding of vaccines and genomics (updated July 5, 2023)
- Red Ice Radio – Stephan Kinsella – against intellectual property
- Ontario government wants drug patents taken out of Canada-EU deal as nations are locked in to globalist regime without our input
- A farmer’s war against GM crops
- Brand new GMO food can rewire your body
- What is ACTA?
- ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download?
- Bill C-56 “Combating Counterfeit Products Act” and Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- More info on Canadian government and Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Illuminating and very concerning interview on secret Trans-Pacific Partnership – threats to freedom, jobs, sovereignty
- Intellectual Property
- North American Leaders Summit
- Libertarian Candidate in Calgary–Centre North [2008 election] (October 13, 2008)
- Spotlight on Freedom Issues (September 12, 2008)
- The Swedish Model of Music Distribution (August 15, 2008)
- Bill C-61 [2008] (July 31, 2008)
- Tyranny-Freedom News-ACTA, Inflation (June 10, 2008)
- Canadian Freedom Watch (May 28, 2008)
- Miscellaneous: Jefferson on Patents, State Worship (April 3, 2005)
- Genetically Modified Crops (Canola) and Percy Schmeiser (August 7, 2003 & re-posted: March 1, 2005)
- Patenting Life: Harvard Mouse (March 1, 2005)
- Liberty, war, politics – drug reimportation and medical freedom, Bush & Iraq, Canadian farmer vs. GMO
Laws/Control Grid, Internet, Intellectual Property: Canada-New Copyright Law