It’s that Fireworks-Banning Time of Year (July 5, 2008)
The July 1 Canada Day celebrations brought up the subject of “banning fireworks”. Whatever freedoms we have left, you can guarantee there are control freaks systematically trashing them. Currently in Toronto, fireworks are only banned in public parks without a permit (bad enough I think). But some city councillors ( are advocating permits for the private sale and use of fireworks because of incidents of irresponsible behavior. Why not hold those people responsible for their actions instead of punishing everyone else? See the comments section here where councillor Adam Vaughan denies that he advocated a ban on fireworks. But the pdf ( on his site clearly quotes him:
““If things don’t change, the City of Toronto may have no choice but to ban fireworks”, said Councillor Vaughan.”
It’s a healthy sign to see a politician on the run over a freedom issue. That’s healthy – except for the denial, which is the same tactic used for the Security and Prosperity Partnership or SPP (North American Union, no I “can’t say that”, it’s not a “North American Union” – yet – just like there is no fireworks ban in Toronto – yet).
“The Fire Marshal asks people to attend professional fireworks’ displays and discourages local family fireworks. Do you think family fireworks should be banned?“
A CFRB Radio online listener poll ( where the busy-body and thoughtless respondents – probably higher among CFRB listeners than the general population – are at 51% and those who plead “don’t ban them” are at 49%. Not such a terrible defeat at all. There is reason for hope! This sort of thing is going on all across North America as more and more people are waking up to the terrifying reality that their neighbours are actually lighting matches without authorization.
July 5th, 2008
Comments for It’s that Fireworks-Banning Time of Year
- sabrina
November 17th, 2008 at 3:18 pm
fireworks should not be banned that would just be really stupid because people would still do it anyways