Liberal government’s throne speech
Canada Throne Speech 2015 full text: A complete copy of Trudeau’s first agenda ( | 4 December 2015
Official Hansard Version of the Throne Speech | 4 December 2015
First of all, note that the “Queen,” whatever that means, rules Canada. More and more, media people and others are surprised about this, maybe because they didn’t pay attention in school at all:
The Governor General David Johnston presents the speech:
Honourable senators, members of the House of Commons, ladies and gentlemen:
As the representative of Her Majesty the Queen, I am pleased to be here to deliver the speech from the throne.
There may be a few things in the throne speech that sound pretty good perhaps, but I want to zero in on a few important points that indicate the direction of the government–not anything surprising.
Key Policy: CARBON TAX
Last week, first ministers met ahead of the international climate change talks — a first step in an important and ongoing process.
Working together, the government will continue to provide leadership as Canada works toward putting a price on carbon and reducing carbon pollution.
Again, “carbon pollution” includes clean, life-giving, non-polluting carbon dioxide, which is a product, along with water vapor, of all combustion processes. Plants require carbon dioxide to thrive, and then they emit oxygen. So, it’s not pollution at all. They’ve just redefined the miniscule amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a “greenhouse gas,” but water vapor is also a greenhouse gas but it’s not carbon and is not considered a pollutant, which would be a joke. What nonsense? “Carbon” doesn’t refer to smog or dirt particles or chemical pollutants. It mainly refers to carbon dioxide, which has been blamed for “climate change” but there has always been climate change. A few well-paid scientists have made declarations and committed their propaganda and sent it out into the world in order to fulfill the agenda of world government.
The two critical policy issues refer to a “price on carbon” and “reducing carbon pollution”. The “price on carbon” or carbon tax is going to undermine our financial well-being by taking money away from us. This is simple arithmetic. We are going to pay for the energy put into everything produced. Potentially every purchase will be affected. It is also going to undermine our freedom, because it is intended to reduce our choices and modify our behavior. This is the purpose of TECHNOCRACY. All purchases, if this old plan is followed, will reduce to transactions involving the amount of energy we use. This is one aspect of living in a totalitarian, scientifically planned, global dictatorship that monitors and controls everything we do. “Reducing carbon pollution” refers to policies that shut down the efficiency of energy production, either banning efficient sources of energy (such as eliminating coal plants, even clean coal) or investing tax money wastefully in “alternative energy” technologies that require huge amounts of energy to construct in terms of producing the necessary materials in the first place (get it?). Shutting down the energy supply makes life harder for most of us. Only the very rich and privileged bureaucrats will prosper in the new feudal system that will ultimately result. This is what monopolists and dictators like to do, in order to better rule.
So this is why it’s “rich” or a joke that the throne speech pretends that economic prosperity goes hand in hand with policies such as carbon pricing.
Key Policy: Syrian “Refugee” Policy and Middle East Military Policy (totally related)
In response to a pressing international need, and underscored by Canadians’ desire to help, the government will welcome 25,000 new Canadians from Syria, to arrive in Canada by the end of February 2016.
Notice how Canadians are blamed in advance for whatever results from this importation of Syrian refugees. The claim is that Canadians want to help them, but I think this claim should be backed up in every article that mentions it.
I’m sure some of them are refugees and I have complete sympathy for them, because US and NATO war policies–when they initially were openly trying to overthrow the Syrian government (and now they pretend to not be still doing that) are responsible for stirring up and creating the war in Syria. Who supplies the Syrian rebel forces? Which nations? Why don’t readers go and look that up? I think they’ll find it in mainstream news sources despite the propaganda. I’ve got a few posts on this topic also.
As far as the migrants from Syria, how many of them are young men? How many of them are going to be security risks? Duh. Yes, they think we’re stupid.
Key question: is the government going to follow the actual definitions of “refugee” to distinguish who is actually a “refugee” based on Canadian law versus who is an economic migrant looking for work? Are they all actually coming from Syria? Are we going to get this information from the media?
Will tax payers have to cover the bills? I guess so. Will be more prosperous? The money won’t go to the things we otherwise might need for people who are already here.
Stop bombing and stop stirring up the war and supplying rebel forces, and maybe they can all go back to their homes. Stop the war.
Are they going to stop the war?
No, it says:
The government will strengthen its relationship with allies, especially with our closest friend and partner, the United States.
. . . will continue to work with its allies in the fight against terrorism.
Because there will continue to terrorists just as long as they need there to be, because certain countries are allowing these terrorist groups to exist and to move around and make money. Someone’s paying them and stirring them up. And the whole idea is create tension, and obviously they want that in Canada too.
They’re not going to make peace with Arab governments who could help to eliminate the terrorism. They’re at war with them in reality. They’re trying to overthrow Syria. They overthrew the Iraqi government and Iraq is in utter chaos. That’s the idea. The world government doesn’t come about without creating these vacuums of chaos.
And yet:
. . . safe and peaceful country, the government will continue to work to keep all Canadians safe, while at the same time protecting our cherished rights and freedoms.
OK, so that means they’re going to re-establish our rights and freedoms even though they have been shredded by legislation such as Bill C-51, which Trudeau supported? No, I don’t think so. It doesn’t say that. But we can pretend that we have the same “rights and freedoms” even though we’re going to be paying carbon tax and experience interference with our home energy use from provincial governments, and we’re going to have draconian copyright laws imposed on us by the TPP, threatening free speech on the Internet, and the wars are going to continue, and the terrorism, because their policy (UN or NATO), it looks like, is going to be bombing people continually. And yet we’re going to maintain our “rights and freedoms”. Sure we are. Continual false-flag (just to be frank) terrorist events and shooting events that nobody investigates properly. Creating new situations of tension. That’s what it’s all about. The oligarchs need to rule. Who rules? Very wealthy and powerful people who consider themselves above the rest of us and impose their policies on us using tricks and propaganda, bloodshed and theatrics.
Key Policy: Trade Agreements: TPP and CETA (Canada’s trade agreement with Europe)
. . . the government will negotiate beneficial trade agreements . . .
So the intention being signaled here is to back the TPP and CETA trade agreements, and all the others to come. These trade agreements are sovereignty-shredding (using tribunals used to negate whatever Canadian government policies get in the way of corporations). And the idea is to have Canadian workers and companies competing with lower wages and lower standards overseas. That benefits globalist corporate interests. It doesn’t benefit us, so that’s why it’s a joke that we’re constantly told by the lying governments and media that the TPP, etc. is going to benefit us economically. I don’t get it. Do Canadian farmers actually think it’s beneficial for them that Canadians are going to buy their milk or whatever from New Zealand or Vietnam? Yes, it sounds ridiculous now, but they’re going to go for the cheapest prices. And maybe they won’t know where it comes from any longer. I don’t know. Are they going to benefit when Canadians lose even more factory jobs or even service jobs to Asia? Who’s fooling who? Who’s paying people to shovel propaganda? People are fooling themselves also. The TPP was secret and yet people were told to feel good about it constantly. The TPP also introduces a threat to our more moderate copyright laws and Internet free speech. Is that going to make us more prosperous too? So on and on we go. We need to withdraw support from TPP and CETA and all the other trade agreements like NAFTA, etc. Time to start asking questions and challenging politicians and media.
Overkill: I think they overdo the joke about a “strong economy” and “prosperity”.
Just as already mentioned, the throne speech “protests too much” about the “strong economy” in spite of all these economically destructive policies I’ve listed. If Canadians could only figure out that the goal is not to benefit them! The goal is to create a uniform world system of governance in which people have their assigned role and do what they’re told.
. . . public investment is needed to create and support economic growth, job creation and economic prosperity . . .
Canadians are open, accepting, and generous . . . helping those in need . . . makes them . . . more prosperous places to live. [why don’t you help people who already live here instead of taking in tens of thousands of new people? Where are they going to work after the TPP and CETA are implemented? How can tax-payers afford that?]
. . . more peaceful and prosperous world for our children
“Strong economy:”
. . . growing the economy; creating jobs; . . .
. . . smart thing to do for Canada’s economy.
. . . will prove to Canadians and to the world that a clean environment and a strong economy go hand in hand . . .
. . . growing the economy . . .
. . . encourage economic growth . . .
. . . a certain path to economic growth . . .
. . . the economic success of all Canadians . . .
. . . to expand economic opportunities for all Canadians . . .