Notes on December 3, 2020
These daily reports are intended to be updated throughout the day
Shut them off
I definitely felt today that I had to block out the voices of evil, those obviously very committed politicians who are desperate to fulfill the wishes of their masters–not the public as the media pretends–but the oligarchy.
The Premier of Manitoba–with the angry and desperate look, obviously fearful of what’s going to happen to him if he doesn’t go along–doesn’t want people gathering for Christmas.
And the data is just bogus. There are more and more elderly and frail who are going to get hit hard by the cold weather, especially with the economy shut down and more and more people isolated. And every year they die from respiratory conditions. And these deaths will be attributed to COVID-19. And the bogus test “cases” of people (false positives over half the time) who are barely sick if at all–are presented by the media to the public–as if they are something of any significance.
I don’t have any doubt there is a virus, a lot of viruses. But the biggest virus of all is this monstrosity of an organization–controlling weak and corrupt people through money and fear–using respiratory illnesses as a cover to destroy our way of life and impose the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
I have to switch these people off and focus on what I’m doing.
Comments from a reader on Manitoba situation here.