Ontario “eco fees” shock – on top of HST
Environmental Tyranny: www.thestar.com, New eco fees catching consumers by surprise, July 7, 2010 – Ontario: “The levy for thousands of new products, …, quietly came into effect July 1, the same day as the harmonized sales tax.”
www.stewardshipontario.ca, “Who We Are”
“What is Product Stewardship?”
This is totalitarian and will just make things harder for most of us, and I think that’s the point. In a free society, people would negotiate with others for handling waste, and would need to respect rights.
“Eco Fees”, “Stewardship Ontario is not government…”.
It is wrong to impose these costs on businesses, who then impose them on consumers. What will happen to smaller businesses? People need to be free to make decisions about property and waste. We pay huge taxes already that are supposed to cover waste disposal. We can’t afford any of this.
Source: cuttingthroughthematrix.com
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Eco fee charge that went into effect in 2008: http://www.frugalcanadianliving.com/2009/06/ontarios-eco-fee-charge.html
Eco fee sham, July 9, 2010, http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/2010/07/09/14667101.html
Ontario to drop eco fee, July 19, 2010