Ontario’s immunity passport declarations – people must resist
Ontario to issue proof of COVID-19 vaccination, health minister says
By Ryan Rocca | Global News | December 8, 2020
Christine Elliott said Tuesday it may be required to access certain settings after the worst of the pandemic passes.
“That’s going to be really important for people to have for travel purposes, perhaps for work purposes, for going to theatres or cinemas or any other places where people will be in closer physical contact when we get through the worst of the pandemic,” Elliott said.
“… will be essential …”
I didn’t see that mentioned in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Notice that she says “after the worst of the pandemic passes.” So none of these changes are temporary. All of this is built on testing and reciting case numbers and the “cases” are just positive test results for the most part. The same people are dying who we would expect to die from various illnesses, some of which are respiratory infections, same every year. Some of the deaths are labelling as “COVID-19” instead of whatever they did last year. With the COVID lockdown emergency measures, there are bound to be more and more deaths due to economic deprivation and due to the lockdown, isolation, and health care rationing–so the most vulnerable are going to be more vulnerable to the cold weather, to neglect and to lack of access to supplies. We know we can count on a certain percentage of bad reactions to the vaccine–because, for one thing, the product monograph‘s trial results tables show a certain number with severe reactions.And we know about the two severe reactions that happened in the UK the first week.
Video of the Minister of Health stating this in a response to the media.
Ontarians could face restrictions if they refuse to get COVID-19 vaccine, health minister says By Sean Davidson | CTV News Toronto | December 8, 2020
While Christine Elliott said the vaccine will not be mandatory in Ontario, things like travel and access to communal spaces like movie theatres could be restricted.
“not be mandatory” BUT — the twisting of language, this equivocation, is the essence of totalitarianism–a world built on lies.
“That will be up to the individual person to decide whether they want to receive the vaccine to be able to do these things or not.”
Suddenly we need some dubious high-tech corporate product (with some claims about it maybe protecting us from mild symptoms) in order to “do these things.” As far I can see, she is not promising an end to masks for those who are vaccinated, or social distancing or lockdowns whenever they have an excuse. She is just holding open the promise for a special status for those people–the special status of being allowed to have an income and pay for food.
There are plenty of problems with the vaccine. Why wouldn’t I “refuse”? “Refuse” is ridiculous totalitarian language. I also have the absolute right to informed consent.
This is where this whole COVID situation was heading from the start. Planned all along globally.
There are plenty of reasons (see previous posts) not to take the vaccine and no legitimate reason to take it.
Bill Gates referred to multiple generations of vaccines.
“That’s their choice,” Elliott said. “This is not a mandatory campaign.”
Last week, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams told reporters that while the law is clear that they can’t “force someone to take a vaccine,” mandatory proof of immunization may be required in some settings.
LOLOLOL Totalitarians are a hilarious bunch of jokers. These guys all look like the villains in Batman.
Williams said proof of immunization against COVID-19 could allow “freedom to move around” and access to facilities like long-term care [with all the benefits of being even more isolated and neglected]. He said he believes it will also become required for attendance in schools
If they survive the vaccine.
“Allow” “freedom to move around.” LOL LOL!!! Come on. He’s funny.
They’ll start the vaccine military operation
beginning with long-term care, retirement home residents, and the staff who provide care to those groups
They demonstrated their “love” for the elderly when their health care rationing policies (death panels) excluded them from hospitals in the spring and isolated them in care homes.
They need to be warned about possible reactions–even just let them read the official product monograph–and these other groups need to be warned also:
Health-care workers, including hospital workers, and other staff who work or study in hospitals will be vaccinated in the first few months of the program as well . . .
Adults in Indigenous communities, including remote communities where risk of transmission is high, and adult recipients of chronic home health care are also included in those first to get the vaccine.
All those people and the general public need to be given access and made aware of all the information known about the vaccine and the context of the whole operation that has led up to this vaccine–before censorship escalates.
The chair of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution task force, retired Gen. Rick Hillier, said on Thursday at Queen’s Park that the first phase will take about two to three months.
Then it is “rolled out” like a tank I guess to a larger group and then made available to everyone who is still around who would like to get it.
DUH: Proof of vaccination wades into ‘murky territory’ ethically, experts say By Rachael D’Amore Global News | December 9, 2020
. . . .has no plans to mandate the newly approved coronavirus vaccine. . . however. . ..
does, however, have plans to provide immunized Ontarians a document or card to prove it.
“This is not only logistically challenging but very ethically fraught,” said Alison Thompson, a professor with the University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics, which has been advising Ontario’s Health Ministry on other elements of pandemic planning.
“Ethically fraught” is exactly the same language used in the death panel policies.
“Simply giving someone a piece of paper to say they’ve been immunized is a lot different from making it a prerequisite for attending a concert or riding the transport system.”
It also creates “two tiers of people,” … said Kerry Bowman, a professor of bioethics and global health at the University of Toronto
A caste system–like in Brave New World, which certainly had a privileged elite. It’s already explicit in the terminology of “essential workers” and “non-essential goods” which is happening in the UK, or non-essential businesses. This “Great Reset” society was pre-planned.
Jay Dyer has reviewed a book called Millenium which was a futurist book in 1980 which included the topic of “essential” vs. “non-essential.” I’ve found a video at amazon.com which is probably on the same topic which includes at least one of the same authors, Marilyn Ferguson, “POTENTIALS: Envisioning the New Millennium.”
The type of people running Ontario now are the same type who set up the exhibit of dead bodies (internationally infamous) at the Ontario Science Centre years ago. That’s about devaluing the human person, the human body, human life and human death–as in Brave New World. That’s the point of the cultural slide into more and more degradation over the years–with endless dehumanizing violent zombie movies and TV shows for example. People may find it a stretch to hear that, but that’s how it works. Eventually we got to euthanasia legalization in Canada which has led to the death panels. It’s easier also to sell to people that we are all nasty “spreaders” of viruses, walking bio-weapons of vileness (except for our organs which can be re-used) overpopulating the planet supposedly. Where does all of this lead?
It seems like these guys are challenging the issue but it’s just an exercise in dramatic hand-ringing to get people used to the idea:
There’s no question proof of vaccination will be required to reboot international travel safely, Bowman and Thompson agree, and it may become imperative for front-line staff at hospitals or long-term care homes, but ethical problems could arise among private establishments.
“If an employer wants to make this type of document mandatory, that becomes a discrimination issue based on immune status for employability or returning to work,” said Thompson.
… the Ministry of Health said the province is looking at options “for the possible tracking and surveillance of vaccines” that could include “tech-based solutions,” as well as equitable options.
Britain — the first country to dole out shots this week — has denied any plans for a “vaccination passport.” However, the country’s vaccine minister has acknowledged that a phone app used for contact tracing may eventually be updated to include a person’s vaccine status, which businesses like bars, restaurants and other venues could use as a condition of service.
“We won’t be taking off our masks in public any time soon Public health measures work best when the rules are clear and apply to everyone.”
the “rules”?
LOL. You mean like the ones they scrapped–the Charter of Rights. LOL. What a bunch of clowns.
But there will be people with valid reasons for an exemption to the vaccine,
so they will need to document those who have “legitimate exemption reasons.”
a “worrying” level of surveillance
No kidding.
The thrust of the article is these guys pretending that all of this hasn’t been decided and that companies haven’t been working on an actual electronic system already.
Ontario’s immunity passport declarations – people must resist — No Comments
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