Sovereignty, Need for Political Independence
- Thanks to Fakeologist for the interview – hope it is interesting to people
- Telecommunications section of North American trade agreement relates to 5G
- TPP Part 12 – Canadian government’s approach so far
- TPP Part 11 – Related reasons to defeat the TPP
- TPP Part 10 – Could TPP be defeated in Ottawa with country of origin issue?
- TPP Part 9 – Could TPP be defeated in Ottawa with country of origin issue?
- TPP Part 7 – Could ratification be defeated in Ottawa? Following up on TPP and country of origin labeling
- TPP Part 5 – TVO’s the Agenda discusses TPP
- Text of Paris climate agreement
- TPP Part 4 – The Mind Renewed interviews Paul Craig Roberts on the TPP and Paris attacks
- TPP Part 3 – Just a Question: Will Canadians know where their food comes from under the TPP?
- TPP Part 2 – Specific Question: Does TPP prevent labeling for country of origin? (affecting freedom of information and speech)
- TPP Part 1 – Can TPP ratification be blocked? Trans-Pacific Partnership, new Canadian parliament opens Dec. 3, Liberal government’s attitudes & debate promise
- Reasons to not vote in the Canadian election – part 2 (Oct 13)
- Reasons to not vote in the Canadian election – Part 1
- Recommended: real questions for all candidates on real issues (Canadian federal election)
- The TPP: a monster too big to fail?
- OpenMedia warns about (now signed) TPP’s threat to Internet freedoms
- TPP (now signed Oct 5) believed to be a threat to Internet freedom
- Canada and other nations sign secret, sovereignty-destroying TPP, text still to be released, supposed to be ratification vote in Parliament
- U.S. Congressional Research Service report on TPP
- Former US Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains what is wrong with TPP
- Leaked text (allegedly) of TPP investment chapter
- U.S. Democratic Party platform vs. TPP and “free trade” negotiations
- TPP and Canada
- TPP secrecy and Australia
- TPP: extreme IP provisions, including “data exclusivity” for medical research
- TPP: international tribunal can be used against national laws (leaked text)
- US Congressman Issa questions Obama on TPP, leaked IP text
- Congressman Alan Grayson challenges TPP
- US Senator Bernie Sanders on TPP: secrecy, loss of sovereignty, race to the bottom
- North American Leaders Declaration on Climate Change (2009) (absurd and dangerous “god-like” statements about the climate)
- TPP Info (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
- Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks (TPP )
- Results of Tuesday’s war vote in Parliament (157-134) – and example of “closure”
- Canada-China investment treaty (FIPA) to come into force Oct. 1 – no debate in Parliament – royal prerogative – secret arbitration against any government policies in Canada (same with other trade agreements)
- U.S. expects immunity for its cops working in new cross-border policing program!
- Global integration continues: Canada-EU trade deal may come in 2014 (aren’t they going to ask us what we think?)
- The integration of Canada into a U.S. dominated North American Security Perimeter
- Did you know that Canada is involved in “14 separate sets of free-trade talks” including the Canada-Japan trade deal, regardless of what we think?
- WTO candidate says Canada needs more diversified approach to trade
- Alabama’s Agenda 21 victory (2012)
- U.S. and Canadian authorities spar over Peace Bridge – The Globe and Mail
- Europe needs a more European UK, says ECB president, and greater transfer of national sovereignty
- EU wants unified bank supervision
- EU-Canada trade agreement threatens European fracking bans – also NAFTA example
- Ontario government wants drug patents taken out of Canada-EU deal as nations are locked in to globalist regime without our input
- European Central Bank – bailing out replaced by bailing in – theft method 1 replaced by theft method 2
- System preparing for “bail-in” robbery – European politicians want to protect small depositors as if suddenly it’s okay to rob anyone’s account to bail out banks
- CBC documentary tells us part of the truth about the world being run by central bankers meeting in Basel, Switzerland
- The logic of globalism – who needs jobs? Royal Bank of Canada replaces Canadian staff with foreign workers (same everywhere else)
- Canada leaves UN drought agreement
- Cyprus lawmakers reject EU bankster tax on bank accounts
- Freeman Burt and Clint Richardson on law and courts
- Deaths of Hugo Chavez & others – cancer the secret weapon?
- New World Order speeches by George H. W. Bush
- Foreign policy writer wants to “combat terrorism” with drastic population control
- James Corbett interviews Morgan Duchesney on the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
- Activists confront Justin Trudeau again: Cambridge, Ontario
- Power behind the throne: the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
- More info on Canadian government and Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Illuminating and very concerning interview on secret Trans-Pacific Partnership – threats to freedom, jobs, sovereignty
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Comments on native issues in Canada and what people have in common in terms of losing rights
- 1992 speech by Jacques Delors to Royal Institute of International Affairs on Europe, NWO, world government
- Canada sending C-17 to help in Mali – truth and innocent lives are always casualties of imperialist wars
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 14 – controlled society, technology, planning v. freedom
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 13 – USSR, China, communism, global tax, cooperation, trade
- Canadian Mark Carney appointed governor of the Bank of England
- United Nations depopulation agenda explained
- CFR's Global Governance Monitor – all the supposed threats (and tricks) "prove" that global institutions haven't been given enough power yet
- Is this supposed to happen in Canada? Pakistani politician interrogated at Toronto airport for his views on killer drone attacks
- External Articles – October-November, 2012
- FIPA Delay Nov. 2 – Canada is not for sale – send a message to the PM about the Nexen takeover and the Canada-China investment deal
- US/Canada Border Conference events push "Beyond the Border" declaration – continuing to build North American Union
- Temporary foreign workers to work in Canadian mines
- Future of Europe Group plans closer EU integration
- The Sale of a Country by Shelley Ann Clark (1)
- Red Ice interview: Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 – world inventory, surveillance and total control
- U.S.-Canada Beyond the Border (BTB) Action Plan – North American integration continues
- Interview with Dean Clifford on the system, freedom, individual sovereignty
- Bilderberg analysis by the Guardian
- The Future We Don’t Want: The Canadian government should renounce UN Agenda 21
- "Syrian Girl" counters Western propaganda and explains why interference leads to more suffering
- Ardent Sentry 2012 U.S.-Canada military exercises demonstrate North American integration, May 2-9
- Bisphenol A (BPA) in many plastics is a neurotoxin and attacks the human reproductive system and male fertility
- Canada resisting IMF on eurozone "rescue scheme" – Britain and others spending billions in taxpayer money
- Mark Carney, Financial Stability Board, Goldman Sachs and Bank of England
- Trade enforcers
- Linda McQuaig interview on the Munk Centre at U of T
- Germany wants to see greater centralized European control over national governments
- Expansion of euro bailout funds and CFR wants more power to European level of government
- North American Union proceeds with another defence agreement
- Canadian independence betrayed to Europe on two fronts as world government constructed
- The Nation's Deathbed
- Harper's free-trade deal with Honduras
- Harper's four nation Latin America trade tour
- World Government
- Trade
- North American Union & Americas
- European Union
- Harper at the G20: it is a loss of national sovereignty
- UN Economic & Social Council
- Documentary on monetary system: “Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land”
- Austerity, globalism, surveillance
- World Federalist Movement – Canada
- Britain Divided into Trans-National Regions (February 14, 2010)
- Fall of the Republic (Kill your TV)
- No More Drug War – Free Marc Emery!
- Understanding Agenda 21 (1)
- Security and Prosperity Partnership (August 17, 2008)
- Björk: Declare Independence (August 7, 2008)
- Expropriation (Eminent Domain) (June 7, 2008)
- Canadian Freedom Watch – News and Opinions (May 31, 2008)
- Challenges faced by refugees to Canada (April 4, 2008)
- SPP Budget from 2006 (North American Union) (March 25, 2008)
- Status of Freedom (March 25, 2008)
- What a Surprise – Contradicted by the Fraser Institute (on North American Union) (March 24, 2008)
- My Speech at Feb. 16 SPP Protest in Toronto [2008] (March 9, 2008)
- Blogging about the North American Union (SPP) (February 8, 2008)
- Canadian Civil Liberties (December 25, 2007)
- European Union Continues to Grab Power (November 26, 2007)
- North American Union / SPP (November 26, 2007)
- Vive le Canada – Oppose the SPP (November 19, 2007)
- North American Union Documents Released (February 22, 2007)
- 2007 Policy Suggestions for Libertarian Party of Canada (January 24, March 8, March 29, 2007)
- Softwood lumber (September 16, 2006)
- Stop the Extradition of Marc Emery! (August 7, 2005)
- Sovereignty
- War: Perspectives on WWII, Dutch and Indonesians, McNamara on Nukes (May 8, 2005)
- Canadian Foreign Policy (April 17, 2005)
- Health Freedom: CODEX (March 13, 2005)
- Ayn Rand, Gun Rights, North American Security Integration, War on Drugs (March 13, 2005)
- Canadian Sovereignty: Missile Defence & North American Integration (March 4, 2005)
- Torture Policies: Maher Arar (March 2, 2005)
- Canada and Missile Defence (March 2, 2005)
- Libertarianism and First Nations Self-Government, Quote by Mises (February 28, 2005)
- Western Interference in Ukraine (December 21, 2004)
- Canada Tiptoeing Around Weapons in Space (December 21, 2004)
- Nova Scotia: U.S. Patriot Act and Private Information of Canadians (November 20, 2004)
- Continental Defence Project and Canadian Sovereignty (November 20, 2004)
- Canada – Central America Free Trade Agreement (September 26, 2004)
- Canadian Sovereignty Protects Canada – U.S. Government and Torture (June 8, 2004 )
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