Strategy for this weekend before Monday’s vote – EDUCATE ALL candidates in your electoral district – Part 3 – all confirmed candidates and Conservative Party plans
Continuing from Part 2 and Part 1.
I listed the websites in Part 2, but I found the ballot abbreviations for the registered political parties here (
Full Name Ballot abbreviation
Animal Protection Party of Canada Animal Protection Party
Bloc Québécois Bloc Québécois
Canada’s Fourth Front CFF – Canada’s Fourth Front
Canadian Nationalist Party Nationalist
Centrist Party of Canada Centrist
Christian Heritage Party of Canada Christian Heritage Party
Communist Party of Canada Communist
Conservative Party of Canada Conservative
Free Party Canada Free Party Canada
Green Party of Canada Green Party
Liberal Party of Canada Liberal
Libertarian Party of Canada Libertarian
Marijuana Party Radical Marijuana
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada Marxist-Leninist
Maverick Party Maverick Party
National Citizens Alliance of Canada National Citizens Alliance
New Democratic Party NDP-New Democratic Party
Parti Patriote Parti Patriote
Parti pour l’Indépendance du Québec Pour l’Indépendance du Québec
Parti Rhinocéros Party Parti Rhinocéros Party
People’s Party of Canada People’s Party – PPC
Veterans Coalition Party of Canada VCP
The compete list of confirmed candidates for Canada is here ( You can specify your riding or province. The complete lists are in txt and PDF formats.
I am going to go through the parties–with confirmed candidates–in order as they appear using this PDF starting on Page 10. Watch out for Independents also.
For each platform, I am going to highlight what is most significant to me negatively or positively.
Plan: download it in PDF format:
“Canada’s Recovery Plan: Summer 2021: Secure the Future”
There is no acknowledgement from the Conservative Party–they were in opposition–that this loss of jobs–along with rights and freedoms–was completely unnecessary and destructive. The supposed pandemic was the excuse used to alter our society. This is clear from the statements made by the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset policy.
If those assumptions about the legitimacy of the response to COVID-19 are not challenged, then there is no reason to assume that the Conservatives will not do the same in office as the federal Liberal government and provincial premiers (including conservative premiers) did in 2020.
refers to a new “anti-corruption law” and mentions nothing about what must have been the most gigantic act of corruption in history–international in scope, with nations such as Canada generating a constant daily stream of information that focused everybody on COVID-19 rather than on all the other problems we might have been concerned about instead–as organizations of all kinds plastered “COVID-19” on their websites as the number one concern we are supposed to have and flooded our minds with one-sided information.
They promise to
noting how
the last year has made clear the mental health crisis we face.
Yes, they must be referring to the damage done by the pandemic propaganda and restrictions, the isolation. We have heard of an escalation in suicides, drug overdoses, alcohol abuse and family abuse.
And what kind of “care” are they promising to fund? What do they mean by “mental health care”? I would assume it means more of the same pharmaceutical psychiatric drugs that don’t represent a proper cure or treatment for anyone.
So it’s just more drugging as in Brave New World.
What was the point of MKUltra? A lot of it was about LSD experiments–drugging people. What was the point of the Liberals legalizing cannabis–why did they really do that? I think it was to sedate people–like the prescription drugs.
No offence, cannabis has its place, but it didn’t help people become “essential workers” when this bizarre concept suddenly appeared, did it?
What was the point of the Ontario government (Progressive Conservatives) keeping the liquor stores open during the lockdowns? To keep people content and sedated during the lock-downs.
Did it make us mentally healthier? Obviously not. We might have complained a lot sooner if they had shut them down!
Let’s not be black and white about these topics. Let’s just look at it from all sides. Are these parties concerned about our health or about drugging us into a stupor?
Here is the big one (PDF page 7):
We must never again be caught as unprepared as we were when COVID hit last year. Canada’s Conservatives will make Canada more resilient, reduce our reliance on foreign countries like China, and take seriously our responsibility to protect the health of Canadians.
• Partner with pharmaceutical companies to increase production
of critical medicines and build domestic vaccine production capacity;
• Use procurements by government and those receiving government funding to strengthen domestic production of PPE; and
• Overhaul and rebuild Canada’s National Emergency Stockpile System to ensure we have the supplies we need be prepared at all times for future threats.
So, just like in the Agenda 21 document of 1992, the Conservative Party thinks “vaccines”–pharmaceutical products–are some kind of universal solution for everyone and for “securing” Canada. Many of us have our doubts about the intention of “vaccines.” We have seen the damage in the lives of our fellow Canadians in some cases. Many of us have heard about the Gates Foundation causing mayhem overseas (and we can watch his 2010 Ted Talk). We have read about the goals described by authors such as Arthur Koestler in the Ghost in the Machine whose book even mentions mRNA.
To be frank, this topic of “vaccines” with the new mRNA technology, becomes even more clearly about transhumanist, human engineering intentions by those who tell the major political parties what to do.
No, we don’t want this technology to be inserted into us in order to program our cells in whichever way some third party decides. No way. If people have been pressured into it already, as many people have, we still think they might change their minds when they are “offered” booster shots year after year.
So the only threat now supposedly is viruses and more viruses. That’s what people have been induced into believing. What a disaster.
They promise to “partner with” pharmaceutical companies. Their purpose is to sell products and technology–and rubber stamp it possibly–not serve the best interests of Canadians.
Drugs solve problems!? What a message to deliver to people of all ages! Brave New World.
PPE! We need more sheets of plastic and cloth to wrap our bodies and faces in. What an economy, what a world!
The banality of evil.
Spending to protect Canadians in the pandemic was the right thing to do, and Conservatives supported it. But we can’t pass unsustainable debt on to future generations. Once the recovery starts, we will need to get spending under control.
• Wind down emergency COVID support programs in a responsible way as Canadians are vaccinated and the economy re-opens;
• Ensure that stimulus measures are targeted and time-limited to avoid creating a structural deficit; and
• Get the economy growing again after years of slow growth under the Liberals, so that we have the revenue to pay for the government services that Canadians rely on.
Again, they supported it so how are they different from the Liberals?
If they say it was the “right thing to do,” what will prevent them from doing it again?! Why would they not collapse the economy also if these are just random events?
Notice how they are assuming that Canadians are to be vaccinated! What if we don’t want to be vaccinated any longer?
And they tie vaccination to the economy re-opening. This will pressure people to be vaccinated.
The economy shouldn’t have been closed in the first place.
Is the government there to be our drug pusher?
Page 17 complains about Liberals being too slow to roll out vaccines.
Page 18
Beating COVID-19 through vaccination and testing to fully reopen our economy:
The first step in getting Canadians back to work and keeping them there is avoiding future lockdowns by protecting Canadians from a fourth wave.
They buy in to all the COVID dogma.
They don’t think of lockdowns as being WRONG. They think of them as something that just HAPPENS and needs to be avoided supposedly by injecting people with whatever some third party decides we need.
No mention of adverse reactions at all.
No concern about informed consent.
They expect “other pandemic risks.”
Page 19:
They promise future boosters for future variants. What a future!
More violation of medical informed consent and privacy laws: contact tracing and testing, including provenly bogus PCR testing:
Canadians will likely need booster shots to protect against COVID-19. We need to be ready for this. Canada’s Conservatives will implement a plan to ensure that Canada has faster and more consistent access to vaccines and that we have rapid access to booster shots to deal with future variants.
We will:
• Prioritize the signing of contracts for booster shots to ensure that Canadians are protected as quickly as possible against new variants. We cannot afford to repeat Justin Trudeau’s failures which left Canadians behind in vaccine procurement.
• Accelerate homegrown development and production of vaccines by Canadian companies such as Providence Therapeutics, Sanofi, Medicago and others.
• Support the provinces by rapidly making available to them whatever logistical resources they need to deliver vaccines and booster shots to Canadians as quickly as possible.
Protecting our most vulnerable and keeping our economy open will depend on testing and contact tracing. A year into the pandemic, we are still not using all the tools at our disposal to fight and contain outbreaks. Under Trudeau’s watch, Canada has fallen behind. Canada’s Conservatives will get Canadians ahead.
Canada’s Conservatives will implement a national rapid screening program to allow businesses and public institutions to remain open in the face of future variants and protect our country. Trudeau’s failure to keep the variants out of Canada, after having almost a year to prepare, is one of his most profound failures. Conservatives have a plan to reopen and to remain open responsibly.
We will:
• Deploy rapid testing at all border entry points and airports to screen new arrivals.
° Everyone entering Canada (by land as well as by air), irrespective of their vaccination status and whether they are considered an essential worker, will be required to take a rapid test and possibly a PCR test upon arrival.
° Rapid testing will help screen out cases, while PCR tests will provide a higher level of protection.
• Accelerate Health Canada approvals for rapid tests approved by the UK, the US, the EU, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan. It is unacceptable that bureaucratic barriers have kept these tests out of the hands of Canadians.
• Make at-home rapid tests readily available to all Canadians.
• Immediately provide more rapid tests to provincial governments to allow them to conduct screening, particularly at schools.
• Develop a clear, evidence-based strategy for re-opening our border with clear timelines and metrics. We will restore urgency, rationality, and consistency to border regulations.
• Quickly close the border to travellers from hotspots where new variants are detected.
° We will not allow new variants into Canada as Trudeau has done through his delays in enacting border measures to protect Canadians
What an insane world we live in now: “remain open responsibly.”
Has anyone from this party done an objective assessment of the seriousness of these variants compared to influenza–for the general population?
Is anyone from this party and the other major parties going to admit to how the death counts and “case” counts have been skewed by changes to death certificate protocols and bogus PCR testing?
Are we going to spend a lifetime running away from viruses? We have always lived with viruses. Nobody stops them from spreading. We need our immune systems to be healthy and intact. Hence we need an economy to be functioning, not always under threat.
Page 60:
Medical and privacy invasion. Bio-surveillance systems. People think this is all about one virus!?
The “virus,” they say, “undermined” Canada’s structures. It was a virus that did all this. That’s what we are supposed to believe.
Stockpiles, Lab Testing & Contact Tracing
° Overhaul Canada’s National Emergency Stockpile System to ensure supplies are there to rapidly respond to infectious disease, bioterrorism, and similar threats, including ensuring the security of supply for personal protective equipment, diagnostic reagents, and swab supplies, and adopting modern tracking systems to ensure supplies are used before they expire and available when needed;
° Overhaul federal lab testing processes and the support PHAC provides for provinces and territories to markedly improve consistency and scaling of lab capabilities across Canada, including the development of rapid testing capabilities at our borders, across our cities, in rural and remote communities, and within long term care facilities; and
° Fill the response gap left by Ottawa between lab testing and costly lockdowns by working with Canadian infectious disease experts, provinces, and territories to develop evidence-based contact tracing systems for our borders and support public health efforts. Delaying and pushing unproven technologies on the provinces and territories over scientific procurement processes allowed the virus the time to spread and undermined Canada’s social, economic and health structures.
° Develop a national system for sharing data across jurisdictions on pathogen transmission, immunity levels, and vaccination rates with transparent reporting requirements and coordination among jurisdictions.
So I get a clear sense that “vaccination status” (actual quote) is going to be part of Conservative policies when I see terms like “immunity levels.”
Note how they consider these prison “lockdowns” to be costly but not tyrannical or immoral.
Personally, I’m concerned also about this document’s focus on foreign governments–it refers a lot to Human Rights in the context of foreign policy.
This seems ominously to imply the potential for more conflict overseas–rather than on recognizing the importance of how our own governments abuse the rights and freedoms of Canadians.
My understanding of China is that it’s tightly allied with Western governments and corporations. I don’t see the distinction. I see Canada and the US as copying China. The history of agreements with China goes back over decades and involves both major Canadian political parties. And the owners of the pharmaceutical companies are the ones who dominate all of these governments. And they own the infamous labs.
This document also gives too much credence to the climate change doctrine which we have exposed at this website.
I should also include the Conservative Party of Canada Policy Declaration from their convention on March 19, 2021
Overall, it appears that parts of this document are out of date.
One concern is Point 80 which describes pandemic preparedness with a focus on vaccines and PPE, etc.
This document seems much less pernicious with respect to these types of policies than the current plan described above.
Point 59 legitimizes climate change, begging for an “international emissions reduction regime on climate change.”
By the way, note about point 15
. . . We support legislation to remove authority from the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to regulate, receive, investigate or adjudicate complaints related to section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
I am not sure exactly if this is meant to refer the section 13 which already appears to be repealed a long time ago! This policy document does not seem to have been updated properly at the convention. That’s my guess. Some of the points were new.
The current text of the Canadian Human Rights Act is here: and I think we should try to make use of it to defend our rights and freedoms if possible.
If people notice anything else in these documents, comments are welcome.
Lastly, in Part 4, I will try to post information to help readers contact more local candidates and the platforms of the other parties with confirmed candidates.