UK police play burglar to train residents (February 14, 2010)
Police State, Social Training, Harassing the Public, Privacy:
- UK Police Posing as Burglars,, Police who play burglar in the middle of the night, Feb 11/2010
If they find a window or door unlocked, “they are under orders to knock on the door and drag sleepy residents from their beds and lecture them.”
“Officers have begun testing windows and doors at night as part of a campaign to increase home security.” That’s their excuse.
“If they find one open, they are under orders to knock on the door and drag sleepy residents from their beds and lecture them. The move is part of an initiative called Operation Golden which aims to slash burglary rates in Macclesfield, Cheshire.”
So they say.
Really, British police are training citizens to accept police access to their homes, to train them that they belong to the State.