Updates to list of freedom groups
Just wanted to add a few organizations to the list of websites here:
- Ontario group nomorelockdowns.ca – order & distribute lawn signs – active with events – active local groups
- HugsOverMasks.ca See details. Volunteer. Facebook group.
- TheLineCanada.com see details. Facebook groups for every province . . . .
- Appel à la liberté / Action Citoyenne Pacifique: See details
- VaccineChoiceCanada.com: Please contact them.
- Libertarian.on.ca
- Randy Hillier, Ontario Member of Provincial Parliament
- Ontario Civil Liberties Association (includes Denis Rancourt)
- stand4thee.com
- action4canada.com
- thefreedomorg.ca
- Police on Guard for Thee: “We are a group of active duty and retired police officers who have assembled to create a haven of truth and justice for all members.”
- Perth Public Sanity: for Perth County, Ontario (including Stratford)