Vaccine Reeducation (2016) – Dictatorial bill includes mandatory vaccination education for vaccine-resisting parents in Ontario
(Edition 2: May 29, 2016)
From the Ontario Legislature website:
Bill 198, Immunization of School Pupils Amendment Act, 2016 (
The current status of this bill (as of May 28, 2016) is “First Reading Carried” (May 12, 2016).
The “explanatory note” at the end gives three reasons for these amendments. Notice that the “statements of conscience” documents are still part of the picture [Link to the document here:, and more information here: and here:].
An Act to amend the Immunization of School Pupils Act
. . .
2. Subsections 3 (3) and (4) of the Act are repealed and the following substituted:
Same, statement of conscience or religious belief
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a parent who has completed an immunization education session with a medical officer of health or with a medical officer of health’s delegate that complies with the prescribed requirements, if any, and who has filed a statement of conscience or religious belief with the proper medical officer of health.
. . .
3. Clause 6 (2) (a) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:
(a) that the medical officer of health has not received,
(i) a statement from a physician, nurse or prescribed person showing that the pupil has completed the prescribed program of immunization in relation to the designated diseases,
(ii) an unexpired statement of medical exemption in respect of the pupil, or
(iii) a statement of conscience or religious belief in respect of the pupil and confirmation that the parent has completed the education session described in subsection 3 (3); and
. . .
The Immunization of School Pupils Act is amended:
1. To require parents to complete an immunization education session before filing a statement of conscience or religious belief.
. . .
Current Act: Immunization of School Pupils Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. I.1
My Thoughts on Strategy, Etc.:
This bill should be opposed, but if it passes, to look at it from the positive side, possibly each class becomes an opportunity for the coerced parents (the “students”) to turn the tables and become educators–so that real information is distributed on each vaccine.
Some of the other parts may have results that may (or may not) cut both ways. On the one hand, the following quote from the bill seems to be for the purpose of circumventing what parents were legally supposed to do in the past, which was to report on (or unfortunately we might say “inform on”) their child’s vaccine history. Now, they won’t have to do this.
(2) Every physician, nurse or prescribed person who administers an immunizing agent to a child in relation to a designated disease shall provide the prescribed information to the medical officer of health for the public health unit in which the immunizing agent was administered.
And I bet this is part of the effort (Panorama: to be more systematic and create a massive database for the monitoring of every person’s vaccine history. Hey, that’s what the school system has always been for–lifelong monitoring of “educational,” behavioral and health data. All that data goes where? As soon as we send our kids to schools, the data is no longer private. Parents are handing their children over along with everything else to governments, because they’re trained and indoctrinated to do so. Because it’s all “good”.
By the way, do I have to make any kind of generalization that says that all vaccines are bad, that none of them work, etc? No, but I do have to ask questions and I do have to read and follow up on what information is available on each vaccine. And I do have to pay attention to the coercion and the bullying and the collective punishment (, and the context of the various global agendas that are going on regarding population and “health” (lack of!! Where is the “health” you people talk so much about? How many family members are we losing to cancer and other diseases and the government and corporations have the nerve to talk about “health”?), and the escalating number of lying, contradictory terror events which take place, and the absolute necessity to maintain the principles of choice and consent, conscience, dignity and freedom in the face of all of these current efforts at censorship, INTIMIDATION and half-truths and withholding of information! If you want people to take your medicines, then earn their trust, you bastards. Earn it! If that was possible! Give them the information. Do the tests honestly. Present real information. No but you’d rather get the MOB stirred up with your tricks, to get them to start talking about nonsense about how vaccine skepticism is endangering lives, and “science” vs. “anti-science”!? And you’d rather see everybody locked up and their children taken away from them. Pack of tyrants. If the public understood what was happening with at least some of the vaccines, and the other MIND-ALTERING drugs being pushed, and the context of efforts to destroy the family and prevent us from having children, if they could see that context and understand what the “carbon taxes” are all about, and what the wars are all about, they wouldn’t take any more of your billions of dollars of tax-funded crap from these bloated pharma companies who are PROTECTED FROM NORMAL LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE DAMAGE THEY CAUSE! Do people even know that?!
YOU PEOPLE – your media tools and stooges – and your revered institutions and the MESSAGING that goes with them, the turgid, creepy, fluffy ooze of your manipulative, divisive, strategic language – are just a thin, shiny, polished veneer covering a cesspool of infinite corruption and destruction–a history of hoaxes and frauds. Look at the record of the elitist destruction of innocent lives over the last century and longer via the world wars and the totalitarian revolutions, young men stood up in front of rows of machine guns to be mowed down, and the many other wars, and people are supposed to think that you have their best interests in mind!? Well, some of us KNOW BETTER. Oh, sure, call what you did with “smallpox vaccines” (smearing pus over people) “science”. Call the contamination of “polio vaccine” (given to everybody by known eugenicists) with cancer viruses “science” (after polio was “eradicated”, then we had other paralyzing diseases pop up anyway-just with different names). Sure, let’s call a crime, or fraud, or willful neglect at least, “science”. Use collective guilt techniques and call it science. Omit all the bad information and call it science, like the whistleblower featured in the recent Vaxxed! film. Push and bully and force people–children being the primary target–to take vaccines.
Anyway, if there is an increased documentation trail, it could possibly also help with efforts to investigate, document and expose vaccine injuries.
All I’m saying in that point is that legislation can be used against the system, because there are always some honest people who are at least very diligent about filling out their forms. Any degree of awareness and honesty can work against the system, which is based on corruption and lies about their so-called vaccines and other drugs. The system of government we live under is founded on complete BS and it relies on the education system and corporate media filling everyone’s heads with garbage 24/7. That’s what it RELIES on. If more and more people started paying attention to the contradictions in EVERYTHING, what would happen?!
If you’re stuck at one of these hypothetical classes, bring the real official manufacturer documents with you with the lists of ingredients and side-effects, and ask the “instructor” to provide actual information on vaccine side-effects–the official documents from the manufacturer–and ask them to provide evidence of safety and real-world effectiveness. Each and every individual vaccine. Don’t take blanket statements about the “safety” of “vaccines” at face value. Only a joker would talk like that. That is such a complete crock to make a generalization about “vaccines” as if they’re all the same without actually bringing out the documents.
Is there any evidence of safety and effectiveness for any of them? Let’s find out. Ask them for the evidence. If there IS NO EVIDENCE, why are people taking it?
It’s just your brainwashing that betrays you to buy into all of this. That’s what the TV was plugged in for all your life. That’s why they sent you off to school as early as possible. That’s why they have both parents working outside the home and you have minimum contact with them. That’s why the older culture is completely destroyed. That’s why your relatives, in most cases, are thousands of miles away. It’s meant to be that way. That’s why they have you and your friends and your brothers and sisters on as many drugs as possible for “depression” or other emotional issues. Everything’s OK with the world. The problem is supposed to be YOU. You’re not getting depressed because the world is screwed up by propaganda and brutality. No, you just haven’t been remolded and indoctrinated thoroughly enough to accept all the junk they want to cram into your head.
So in your future “class”, bring these questions up about vaccines. Bring up the facts. Then you see what happens to the class. What we’re seeing here is an effort to intimidate and bully. Obviously they will find propagandized zealots who promote vaccines and are totally ignorant of what they’re involved in, and they might also find some dishonest public relations mercenaries. But a little bit of good old Canadian honesty and openness and courage on the part of particular instructors and officials and “students” could go a long way to demolish the effectiveness of any “instruction.”
The same applies to any efforts by the New World Order (sorry, that’s what it is, nothing to do with what we want) to re-educate dissidents on any number of “issues” that they use to weaken and defeat us. All they can do is show their teeth, and at first they won’t do that–they may even back down. Let them show their teeth and they lose support. If it’s all about fear, let people see what it’s all about with their own eyes. Maybe the twenty-something nurses and doctors and grocery store “prescribers” need to get exposed to some reality, so they can quit going along with everything.
Some contradictions right off the top:
Among others, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees us “freedom of conscience”. Sounds like a principle to live by, doesn’t it? Maybe people should start. Better late than never. Tap into that conscience before you lose it. You think nobody can come up with a “vaccine” to get rid of your conscience or your child’s conscience? Do you have the right to just let things happen to yourself or your children? By the way, are they really your children? Are you your own person? Does the system agree with you about who is in charge of YOU and YOUR CHILDREN. Those who run the system believe they have the right to rule. That’s their real belief. They don’t accept these principles about freedom of speech or freedom of conscience. They just cover themselves with the image.
Why do you think everything that comes from “health” or “science” is meant for your good? What evidence do we have to the contrary? Well, quite a lot of it. There is this long history of even post-World War II human experimentation atrocities by “democratic” governments (MKUltra being an example in which Canadian institutions were involved).
And just one example from psychiatry: “Medical treatment” used to involve LOBOTOMY. See Do you assume that cutting up a person’s brain was actually done in order to help them? We tend to assume good motives for everything, no matter what, because we project our own sensibilities onto everyone. Do you assume it was done in good faith? Have institutions all of a sudden become more enlightened now?
Power and control is the alternative explanation that fits.
The Charter: also guarantees us certain legal rights, and these include “security of the person”:
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
Also, it is an internationally recognized principle that we have the right to “informed consent” regarding medical procedures.
One expression of this is Principle 3 from:
World Medical Association Declaration of Lisbon on the Rights of the Patient
Right to self-determination
The patient has the right to self-determination, to make free decisions regarding himself/herself. The physician will inform the patient of the consequences of his/her decisions.
A mentally competent adult patient has the right to give or withhold consent to any diagnostic procedure or therapy. The patient has the right to the information necessary to make his/her decisions. The patient should understand clearly what is the purpose of any test or treatment, what the results would imply, and what would be the implications of withholding consent.
The patient has the right to refuse to participate in research or the teaching of medicine.
Isn’t that interesting? Just try expanding on that concept the next time you realize you have a lack of information about the latest drug (or “vaccine”) being pushed on you and your kids.
Man, you have the right to have full information and to make a decision about any therapy!?
How long would it take to collect all that information? Especially if the “authorities” don’t have it at all as they live by whim and propaganda after all. Maybe the child might have something to say also, if the parents don’t care enough to look into it? New concept. Isn’t it your body? Or is it? What happens if the students get this idea into their heads? Why isn’t it there already? Think about it.
All of this talk about “pro-choice” and “freedom of choice,” is a joke. You have the right to be anything but a normal person with an intact and functioning body and mind. The only kind of “freedom” sold to children now is the one where they have the “freedom” to have their nature and identity obliterated by foreign substances and bizarre, debilitating concepts (from both school and corporate media).
How dare people ask to know what is in their food or what is injected into their bodies and minds? There’s no “conspiracy” to control people or limit their population or brainwash them or obliterate what makes them strong and resilient. No, that’s not happening. Only crazy cooks believe that. Normal, sane people just do what they’re told and take WHATEVER THE DOCTOR GIVES THEM, because the TV shows portray the doctors as kind and wonderful, as God-like creatures who can do no wrong. And you can’t argue with TV. Sure, that’s a society built on firm foundations! Sure it is.
The forcing of substances (through threats or expulsion or through lying propaganda) into our bodies violate these principles. Note that adults let it happen to children primarily–school is the weak link–we hand our children over to the “government” so they can do what they want to them. And more and more, that’s what they’re doing. Boy, they really get down and personal now in the school system. It’s called Sex Ed. Oh no, they’re not “interfering” with the children. They’re “saving” and “helping” them. On the other hand, it’s just as described and planned in Huxley’s Brave New World. The State has all power to modify the children through every possible means, including through sexualization. That’s what is in the novel by Aldous Huxley, popularized just to make sure people get used to it. That’s Aldous Huxley, the brother of Julian Huxley, a key architect of the modern world (UNESCO, WWF, etc.), he just made up that idea and put it in his novel. He said that a scientific dictatorship would express its sadism and desire to control through techniques such as drugs, and also through promoting sex from as young an age as possible–away from any concept of family. And he portrayed the World State as having complete control over the development chemically of every individual from before birth (hatching). The huge number of vaccines we currently have is just the start. It’s a weak expression of what’s in Huxley’s novel, but it’s headed in the same direction. And it’s all based on groundless “cookery book” of so-called “science”, just made up doctrines to back up whatever authoritarian policies are implemented. The complete destruction of the family is the theme of the novel–the family does not exist in the Brave New World. There is no old age even. The complete annihilation of the individual’s conscience and ability to reason is also the theme of the novel.
Do parents care? I’m sure some do. They should all care. Maybe it’s not worth obeying all the laws. Maybe it’s not worth going along with the pushy cult-like government and medical “authorities” which act like they’re part of the government. Why is your child on those psychotropic drugs? You weren’t on them, so why are they? And isn’t a vaccine just another drug? Isn’t that the same thing? If we’re just going to let our children –or our other family members, children or not (and more and more of us don’t have any children), be eaten by the system, I don’t think it’s worth going along with it anymore. That’s my personal assessment. And I’m not pretending to care about everyone–only people who have a conscience. If you want freedom of conscience to continue, then you stand behind it. And people of like mind can stand up for each other. And people who are in denial can take a hike. You can throw your life away and your world away and surrender it all to the bully boys who run the show. Go for it. Knock yourself out. Never saw anything on TV news you didn’t believe, eh? Never followed up on what’s in the textbooks? Learned everything you needed to know about ethics during the “lifeboat ethics” class in high school. Isn’t it wonderful? All the wars and torture and everything. I wonder if there’s a connection with the “ethics” training kids are receiving (or not) in school. Any connection with the “entertainment”? What a wonderful and amazing world we’ve been PUTTING UP WITH. I mean, I think we’re “amazing” for putting up with it. I’m really “impressed” (not) with myself and everyone else too.
These principles–freedom of conscience, informed consent, etc. etc. exist even if they’re not written down. They can be argued and reasoned about and stated over and over. These principles STAND IN THE WAY of tyranny–they stand in the way of the “Open Conspiracy” bragged about by H. G. Wells–along with the principle of TRUTH and facts and the law of non-contradiction.
I’m not saying that everyone should put themselves at risk of breaking the law eventually as the law becomes more and more tyrannical. I would never guilt anyone over that, not even myself. That’s up to each person. But we are losing everything already. Much has been done to us already over the decades, but the degree to which more damage can be done to us is at a whole new level–as traditional morality and respect for human life has gone out the window. We are all at risk of our society just being decimated by the real purposes that some of these vaccines serve–one of the major functions being depopulation and another major function being the disabling of members of ours society as we are seeing already–mentally and physically–to create a more easily ruled caste system–which is part of the agenda described in Brave New World. As I said, the system in the novel attacks each individual to different degrees before and after birth, depending on their assigned caste.
There are many, many, many proposed so-called “vaccines” that are going to be put out there continually by the globalist, corporatist scientific dictatorship–which is more and more showing its true nature. And they’re going to declare them “safe” and “effective”–because they SAID SO. It’s “science” and we said so. The scientific technique of ruling is actually the system of propaganda, false belief systems, mystification (banking system) and conditioning. The scientific and predictable measurement of the effectiveness of these techniques is the extent of your compliance, the extent of your behavior modification. That’s the real power of the so-called “scientific” system of governing.
Take an example of how the Libyan government was toppled. First, the Libyan leader was demonized with made-up stories, because of his country’s success, and then his country was bombed by NATO and terrorized by supposed “Islamist” mercenaries, and that was portrayed as a wonderful thing. It’s scientific. That’s the power of “science”, to portray some act of brutality as something amazing. So that’s how we know who we can trust to make sure our foods and vaccines and other drugs are “safe”. The same people who supported the Libyan invasion. And that’s why the Middle East is such a wonderful and stable place today, because of all their wonderful policies. It’s so amazing, the power of scientific propaganda and conditioning.
Other “Vaccines” Coming
In this post:, I quote a list of “vaccines” being developed. Don’t you want a vaccine someday to be pushed on everyone that “prevents nicotine addiction” or “prevents Alzheimer’s”? Think of how much money that will save.
But I guess, if you wanted to know, as some kind of “trouble-making, anti-vaxxer,” you’d have to ask how it’s going to rearrange your brain before they stick you–I mean your kids–with the needle.
Do people even know the story of the Trojan Horse?
Someone very slick and professional will assure you that it “prevents nicotine addiction” or whatever, and who can argue with that? Maybe hardly anybody could argue about anything by that point, or be skeptical about anything. Oh I’m sorry. “Skeptical” people believe everything the government and established institutions say. Those are the true skeptics. They don’t know crap about the subject of propaganda, never read a word about it, but they’re “skeptics”. I don’t have a right to call myself a skeptic, because I think there’s such a thing as a “conscience” and “rights” and “freedoms” and “good vs. evil” and “real skeptics” don’t go in for things like that.
Official academia and government and corporate culture and media is just one big marketing brochure for them that they take at face value–every stupid word of it. They wrap their mind around every color photo and slick phrase, and they want to force-feed their very “scientific” views on others too via the “education” system. It’s called being brain-washed. Join the “real world” and be another brain-washed goon that spreads lies and promotes poison. It really “pays off”, and you can be delusional for a few years too, never mind all the casualties dropping like flies around you.
Signs of Caste System Already Here
Why do I say that vaccines are part of the creation of a Brave New World caste system that is more easily ruled? Do I have some evidence for that?
There has been this massive increase in autism. Some attribute this to the massive increase in childhood vaccines. Well, OK, it seems obvious to me, but I’m making the connection as an assumption. Big deal. Yes, well actually I do have evidence of a link between autism and the MMR vaccine, because a CDC whistleblower actually admitted to the suppression of this evidence. You can read the details here: And it’s part of the new documentary the powers that be are working hard to censor, because they respect free speech so much:
It’s funny how they (yeah, “they”, the robber barons who created the UN and own the banking system, and most of the corporations and governments and medical system) turn the massive increase in autism in recent years and what most of us would consider a massive (and mysterious) health failure into either:
1) an accusation against us that we’re excluding autistic people from the workforce and denying them they’re rights
2) a celebration of autism as an opportunity for businesses to prosper by hiring autistic workers.
“Today we also celebrate the unique talents of persons with autism,” he said, emphasizing that each must be treated a valued member of society and is thus entitled to equal opportunity in all respects, including education, employment, participation in social, political and cultural life and access to information.
Notice the reference to employment. We already believe everyone has rights. But we never assumed that everyone is capable of doing the same kind of work.
Well, exactly. What kind of work are the corporations going to have for the majority people? What is their ideal worker? What kind of people are going to exist in future as society is PLANNED more and more? Why isn’t the focus on preventing autism or finding a cure for it? Why is it about accepting a disease? That’s something to notice about this propaganda, besides the fact that the definition of autism is generally poorly defined, which I’ve noticed when listening to the media, and I think that’s deliberate. That’s so people can confuse their idealized, romanticized Hollywood notions about autism with reality. The definition of “normal” becomes muddied.
The following stories have more to do with reality, but maybe it’s a bit hard to take:
So autism is either a rights issue in which we’re bad guys (according to the UN) for wanting to think it’s something that needs cured or prevented, or else it’s some kind of “opportunity” for corporations to hire a more ideal kind of worker. Think about what they mean. I’m not going to spell it out.
I would love for everyone to find work. I just wish there wasn’t any damage being done deliberately to human beings. I think that should be the focus, but these are the clear signals being sent by the media about how we should think about autism. They want to say it’s a predictable, genetic occurrence that nobody can prevent, and you just need to accept that there’s no other cause. And they’ll run over you with a figurative ten-ton truck if you say otherwise, as we’ve seen. And they want businesses to see it as an employment opportunity to find perfect, ideal workers.
Main Primary/Official References
Mainstream News
Secondary Sources / Alt Media Credits for Research Leads / Resources:
1) Christina England via Rima Laibow for the concept regarding autism and the Brave New World caste system.
Related Articles and Resources / For Further Research
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