War resister wins another shot at permanent residence
July 6, 2010 – War resister wins another shot at permanent residence – thestar.com
Some good news. About U.S. Iraq war resister, Jeremy Hinzman’s efforts to find a safe place in Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal said
“the official’s June 2009 rejection of Hinzman’s permanent residence application was “significantly flawed” because the officer did not take into consideration Hinzman’s “strong moral and religious beliefs” against participation in war.”
Canada should be an independent place where every good and conscientious person can escape the laws of other nations. But as we become a more globalist-dominated world, all the laws and attitudes of governments will become more and more the same. There will be no free country for good people to escape to, because all the treaties will be sewn up and airtight.
It is outrageous how cruel, restrictive and U.S.-dominated the Canadian system of government is. Everyone should be able to leave any kind of job if they need to, especially if survival and conscience are at stake.
This is what a globalist future is like – with all these brainwashed “support the troops” war-pushers running amok and with so little opposition. Support the troops who are telling the truth and who don’t want to participate.
War supporting “conservatives” and “liberals” too, so-called, are not patriots. They’re just government worshipers. They love sending young people to kill, die and be maimed in foreign, globalist (U.S. and U.N.) wars. And they hate it when someone opts out of the agenda.
These wars don’t benefit or defend the Canadian people, and they have nothing to do with defending Canada as an independent nation, which it’s not. And yet so many people mindlessly, desperately support every evil these governments participate in.
The wars being waged are about concentrating power and monopolizing resources in the hands of global corporations, who already dominate national governments which are supposed to represent their citizens and protect their rights.
Human beings have rights inherently, to live free, and to be left alone.