Wind domination – nature vs. scientific dictatorship
This is too long as usual but it’s relevant and it was written in the fall of 2017. Now I’m back in Ontario again. I edited out the rougher spots. Might as well share. 1.1
This is Canada, southern Alberta. It’s fall. I have to walk quite a distance. The wind is trying to push me over, so I have to keep pushing forward and standing up. I fasten up my jacket so that I’m as warm as possible. And the wind is overpowering everything. It creates all the noises that matter. No other noise matters. It drowns out everything else. Every other sound becomes insignificant. I’m not listening to the podcast in my headphones under my hood. My thoughts are being blown clear by the wind. I’m free in the only way I can be. I’m free of maniacal tyrants and their thoughts. I’m free to think quite clearly. Nobody bothers me. There is so much empty space. The leaves are blown around. Nobody is trying keep track of them. Nobody needs to bother about things that don’t matter to them, things that are none of their business. Live and let live.
People who take the “over-population” lie seriously should try living in the middle of Canada. People who advocate carbon taxes or want to stop people from burning wood should spend a year in Canada paying for fuel to heat their homes. People should think skeptically about every event and policy they hear about in the media. People should grow up.
I don’t write anything to give people false hope. I don’t feel much confidence living in a delusion-drowned world that breathes denial.
And yet there is a real nature which we are part of and it will never be defeated.
If we tie ourselves to the natural world of truths and realities instead of to the artificial, we will survive.
Those who are trying to control nature through genetic modification and through their spraying of the skies and through chemical interference and through the toxic sludge of their porn-and-torture media malevolence, these people will ultimately be defeated by nature.
With the media, it’s always the end of the world. There is always another war coming or going. It’s always going to be the biggest and baddest. So we need to do what we’re told. But I don’t listen to them in the same way I used to. I’m not interested in taking liars and tyrants seriously. When I listen to journalists–paid whores and mercenaries–pumped full of corporate slogans and official, scientific declarations–I make an effort to suppress laughter even when it’s not supposed to be funny and it certainly is going to be less and less funny, but laughter gets the point across. Orwell’s 1984 got across some of our situation and it unfortunately might leave us with a sense of hopelessness. All I know is that I won’t be doing everything I’m told and I will be expressing my thoughts as much as possible–to the contrary of tyranny as we inch ahead month by month and year by year into this swamp. As in nature, with the wind and the rain, the laughter and tears of our nature help clear away the dust and grime.
The entertainment is telling us it’s the end of the world. Many forms of religion are sitting out there reinforcing the lie.
Bible apocalypse.
Zombie apocalypse.
Apocalypse now.
Fallen angels.
Alien invasion.
Endless wars.
Have you noticed?
Never. It’s always a lie.
This theme of apocalypse is a warfare tool of DESTABILIZATION.
Where is your stable health? Where is your stable family? Where is your stable mind? Where is your stable society? Where is your standard of living?
Blown to hell with propaganda and deliberate toxicity.
You wish it was the end of the world when you see all the wall to wall nonsense that is funneled into our heads in order to steal everything from us, to take away every good thing.
But it’s never going to win ultimately, because the wind of one kind or another is going to always blow harder–beyond their capacity to control–because nature wants to always give everything a good sweeping and a good flushing and a good scorching occasionally. That’s nature. And we’re part of nature as we are. We don’t need the posturing rhetoric of Rockefeller-funded “defenders of nature.” We have a right to talk about what is natural for us–what is best for us. And we have a right to be here.
Yes, I’m talking about actual nature. I’m talking about reality-based nature in the sense that we do have our special role as men and women in this world. Our role is obviously according to our nature, which is to exercise our desire to live more comfortably than we would otherwise. We need to build shelter. We need to make clothes. We need to cook and prepare food. We need to hunt and farm to some degree or other. We need fuel. We would prefer to have vehicles.
In Canada, most of us are careful to treat other people respectfully because we know we’ll be asking someone for a drive home on a cold winter’s night sometime somewhere. It’s going to happen, so we’re a little friendlier than some. I think that explains it. That’s nature. We have these thermostats in our homes because we don’t want to freeze to death. The ideals of our fathers and grandmothers were about building institutions that healed people and cared for people because human life was valued, and it wasn’t the ideal to just let people get sicker and sicker and die quickly with euthanasia–or to not have children ourselves–or to listen to endless lies from an endless playlist of liars. Other generations–if we could somehow get in touch with them–would tell us that suicide pills were not part of their value system. Science was supposed to help with the caring, the feeding and the pain relief. It was supposed to help with nutrition. We were supposed to learn more about nutrition. We were supposed to find a cure for cancer, remember? It wasn’t supposed to be one endless nightmare of always having to worry about less and less. That was actually the concept we had of a Christian society in the 20th century when we used to pray in public school every day “deliver us from evil” but they made sure to put a stop to that of course. There was supposed to be more and more, so we can share around more and more (socialists or not). Remember? No? I keep remembering a Meryl Streep movie. Less is not more. More is more.
I’m not talking about the anti-human, poverty-inducing, resource-monopolist’s version of nature worship as they declare various excuses for cordoning off forests and wilderness–to reserve these areas for corporate interests in the future–excuses such as “endangered species” made without any effort to provide evidence. They even have people willing to “re-wild” areas with dangerous predators, where humans are supposed to be living. “Science” declares that humans cutting down forests or hunting animals or herding animals is “BAD”–that’s new–it’s endangering species, or it’s emitting carbon dioxide and methane, and the earth doesn’t do that naturally! which is a complete lie–since there have been endless forest fires and endless carbon emissions and endless emissions of bison methane for thousands or millions of years. And so someday we can’t have wood because of this lie, and now, more and more, we’re told not to eat meat even though we’re getting sicker and sicker with our low-fat vegetable-oil and grain-based diets, even though we’re obviously designed to eat animal foods. And the media makes these declarations constantly about why we need to bomb people because of “tyrants” and why we need to react to some terror event they’re talking about because some gangsters whipped it up in the first place. And some people call these malevolent declarations “liberal” as a way of ignoring the point–being a slave is the point.
If we get in touch with our actual nature, we realize that we have a special role, as other creatures have their roles. We ride a little bit higher than the rest of nature, we’re making more inventive and creative modifications to nature. And that’s our nature. It’s the way we’re made–a bit more refined than the other animals.
In nature, I know it’s too much trouble to control me, or to interfere with others. There are consequences to doing so. In a sense, it doesn’t matter that declarations are made about how I’m not allowed to say what I think, that I’m being potentially being slandered as a purveyor of “fake news” or “hate speech” or “climate denial,” etc. I know that the declarations of “freedom of expression” and “freedom of religion” and “freedom of conscience” and mobility rights, and many other rights, written down in human documents are expressions of actual realities, of our actual nature as human beings.
There are those who have apparently sworn oaths inter-generationally to dominate and control nature–and humans–in a way that goes beyond what is normal. You can see their growing domination of all institutions, their Agenda 21, their New World Order, their technological, military and social domination through all industries, including entertainment.
If I don’t want to go along with their infamy–which includes their obsessive depopulation agenda–through war, through toxins, through “family planning”, through gender-bending propaganda, through “climate change” and carbon taxes, etc.–with their infamy about how I have to give up my rights and freedoms for “security” because of their constant fear-spewing, manipulative media–well, it’s because these rights and freedoms aren’t theirs to take from me. I have them inherently from my Creator. He (or she or they) run the show and not them. They want to create an Internet of Things out of every particle of dust. Most people don’t realize that. You should study Agenda 21 and you’ll see the intent of monitoring everything in the world. It’s not in the nature of most people to be complete maniacs, so it’s hard for us to face the facts.
What does nature tell you–really?
Go out in nature and think about what you do out there.
It tells you to focus on your own thoughts.
It tells you to shape up and watch your step so you don’t break a leg.
It tells you to dress warmly, so you better have some clothes and a place to go that’s warm.
It tells you to treat other people properly, because you might need their help.
Wind domination – nature vs. scientific dictatorship — No Comments
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