John Holdren, population control & planetary regime
Population Control, Planetary Regime, John Holdren, Environmentalism:, July 21, 2009 – Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions
“President Obama’s “science czar,” John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet — controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.”
…textbook he co-authored in 1977, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” “co-written with environmental activists Paul and Anne Ehrlich”
“The three authors summarize their guiding principle in a single sentence: “To provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people.””
“Those plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile.””
The article has links to passages from the book. An article has more details.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see the part about baby licenses being pushed in the near future because of the global warming propaganda. I believe the same international club has already been implementing these measures by stealth long before Holdren. Policies: water fluoridation, mass vaccination, modification of food, not to mention everything the State and the huge international corporations do to propagandize and control, including the institution of public education.
The only population “problem” is the one projected from their own psychopathic minds onto the people through their propaganda. The plans for a “perfect” world society are stated clearly by authors like H. G. Wells. Population control is always mentioned, because they can’t have a world scientific dictatorship without controlling reproduction and limiting numbers.
I deny the right of any person or government to use force and coercion against us to control our lives. They have no right to interfere with natural individual rights and choices. This world we live in belong to EVERYONE, and everyone should be FREE to have whatever size of family they want. And they will figure out how to care for them if they are left alone, and they will take the consequences and the responsibility of all those problems, and it`s each person`s job to solve problems and get voluntary help from their families and neighbours and community. That is our right as individuals. That’s the simple moral rule that is violated here – interference with decisions that should be made by each person.
Economics, debt, taxes is all part of the control. The day is coming soon when we will be instructed on how much electricity we can use in our home. The laws that interfere with personal freedoms and property rights – land, water, homes – based around various excuses – have been built up over the last 20 years in Western societies – like Ontario, like Canada, and all sorts of draconian measures are in place.
The reality is we are RULED OVER and given a false reality for hundreds of years to make us believe we are not living under a feudal type of control. It is cloaked with an illusion of choice through political theatre about “left” and “right”. People need to wake up immediately and see the true motivations for climate change propaganda, and the real motivations for the “war on terror”, and other fear-mongering about terrorism, shortages and pandemics.
We believe everything they tell us. We do everything we`re told to do. We are sitting ducks for all their fantasies, all their policies, all the power we have handed over to them.