Drug testing 12-yr-old for scrapbooking club, State owns your body, TSA, sports leagues, schools lead the way in violations, most go along
12-Year-Old Girl Forced to Take Drug Test to Join Scrapbooking Club (http://www.opposingviews.com/i/politics/middle-schooler-forced-take-drug-test-join-scrapbooking-club)
By Reason Foundation, www.opposingviews.com | September 24, 2012
M.K. v. the Delaware Valley School District
staging.aclupa.org | American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania
“Students required to consent to suspicionless drug testing to participate in extra-curricular activities…
“On March 9, 2011, the ACLU of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit on behalf of a seventh and a ninth grader, sisters M.K. and A.K., and their parents, Glenn and Kathy Kiederer, against the Delaware Valley School District (Pike County). DVSD requires students and their parents to consent to a mandatory initial drug and alcohol test and random drug and alcohol testing throughout the year in order to participate in extracurricular activities. Because M.K., A.K. and their parents believe that the policy violates the girls’ privacy, they have refused to sign the drug testing consent form….”
Middle Schools Add a Team Rule: Get a Drug Test (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/sports/even-some-middle-schools-now-test-for-drugs.html)
By Mary Pilon, www.nytimes.com | September 22, 2012
‘…In Pennsylvania, the Kiederers are waiting as their case, filed by the civil liberties union in the Court of Common Pleas of Pike County, works through the legal system.
‘Last year, they won an injunction preventing the district from enforcing its policy and allowing their daughters to participate in extracurricular activities.
‘“They’re losing their rights every day and you ask yourself, what are we teaching the kids?” Glenn Kiederer said.’