EU targets the family – seeks control over “gender stereotyping” in media and education
Now EU Seeks to Ban the Family | November 8, 2012
Copy of the report via this site:
Draft report on eliminating gender stereotypes in the EU
Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality | June 20, 2012
“… whereas children are confronted with gender stereotypes at a very young age through television series, television advertisements, study materials and educational programmes, influencing their perception of how male and female characters should behave …
“… Notes that, despite the EU’s commitment to equality between men and women, there is still a gap in legislation providing for non-discrimination against women and gender equality in the areas of social security, education and the media, emphasises the need for new legislation in these areas and calls on the Commission to take the issue of gender equality into account in all policy fields …
“…Stresses the need for special career guidance courses in primary and secondary schools and higher education institutions, in order to inform young people about the negative consequences of gender stereotypes and encourage them to study for and embark on careers that have in the past been considered as typically ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’; asks that support be provided for any action aimed at reducing the prevalence of gender stereotypes among young children…
“… Draws attention to the fact that gender stereotypes in advertising during children’s television programmes are a particular problem, as they have a potential impact on gender socialisation and, subsequently, children’s views of themselves, their family members and the outside world, and stresses the importance of reducing children’s exposure to gender stereotypes from the earliest possible age…
“…Stresses the need to run special courses on gender stereotypes in the media for national advertising standards committees and self-regulatory bodies so as to raise awareness of the negative influence of gender-discriminatory images on television and in marketing and advertising campaigns …
“…Moreover, women are often under-represented or invisible in the media, or represented in media in roles that are traditionally considered ‘feminine’, encouraging more gender discrimination in different areas of society and all age groups.
“The prevalence of negative gender stereotypes based on societal beliefs and attitudes affects women and constraints their opportunities and choices in the social, economic and political sphere….
“…Gender stereotypes in primary and secondary schools influence the perception of young children and youngsters of how men and women should behave. Special educational programmes and study materials should therefore be introduced in which men and women are no longer used in examples in their ‘traditional roles’, with the male as the breadwinner of the family and the female as the one who takes care of the children…”
We have already adapted our lifestyles to this agenda so that we take it for granted that we should all – mothers, fathers, etc. – be working outside the home, slaving away for impersonal corporations, paying taxes to governments and doing what we are told.
The strategy is to use ideas that seem appealing, such as equality (which can mean everyone is the same).
The whole idea with these different social revolutions and politically correct agendas is to weaken and demolish any structure in society that competes with the State for influence in our lives.
Many real conservatives over-simplify this type of agenda, call it names and ridicule it as if doing that will marginalize it and make it go away. They seem to have no idea of the power and purpose of those behind it.
The big corporations are all in it together and already submit to the State in every way. They are one with the State and control its policies in the first place. It is their State.
In the name of guilt catch-phrases like “equality” or the “environment” or “endangered species” or “climate change” or “obesity”, ideas that contradict this totalitarian agenda will eventually be eliminated.
As in Orwell’s 1984, people will ultimately become mere atoms and cogs in a wheel, unprotected from the State (which is transitioning from national to global every day) and its private obedient corporate partners.
People will not be allowed or be able to bind together in natural family units that operate successfully and independently. The same applies to non-conforming religious, political, philosophical or labour groupings.
They will work at whatever job they’re told to work at, and will accept whatever wage they’re told to accept – out of fear. Their children will be guided by the State’s agents at every step and they themselves will be guided more and more in every detail of their lives, every thought and every decision.
It’s not too much different from the way it is now. We have already become accustomed to this type of divide-and-conquer gender strategy, this type of ideological change, and the rest of it is only a matter of gradual propagandizing combined with wars and other crises to create acceptance of new policies.
There are always true believers in these types of causes, but they are tools. Gender equality is just another excuse for interference and conditioning just like everything else that is politically correct or controlled under “hate” speech classifications. These are topics you are trained to feel guilty about and not question.