Privacy-violating palm scanners in schools and hospitals
Palm scanners get thumbs up in schools, hospitals by Brian Shane, USA TODAY | November 25, 2012
“At schools in Pinellas County, Fla., students aren’t paying for lunch with cash or a card, but with a wave of their hand over a palm scanner….
..Students in Carroll County, Md., schools are using lunch line palm scanners, but 7-year-old Ian Webb isn’t one of them. His father, Michael Webb, decided to have Ian, a second-grader, opt out…
…”I’ll be honest, I think it’s horrible. It’s an intrusion into our children’s rights.”…
… anesthetizes young children to recognizing privacy violations later in life….
Nobody has the right to our personal, private data – such as palm prints – as if the State is some kind of God.
And nobody has the right to force the use biometrics on anyone. However, this is a gradual process of conditioning so that someday there is no feasible way to “opt out”.
We should be able to freely decide how we carry out transactions with each other.
There are enough totalitarian measures such as airport body scanners that need to be eliminated immediately.
Children are being trained to accept invasive identification procedures at school. The schools are for indoctrination and this is one of the doctrines.
The meaning of body scanners at airports and invasive searching and scanning is that your body belongs to the “State” or to the public-private system of institutions that monitor and run your life.
It’s an ownership issue.
This is what it means when you accept what is being done to you and your family at airports or anywhere else.