Newtown school shooting – what happened to early media reports of a second gunman?
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the mediaTo eliminate eyewitness reports of a second shooter By Mike Adams, Natural News, | December 15, 2012
“…One of the most important red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman, indicating the shooting was coordinated and planned. There are often mind control elements at work in many of these shootings. The Aurora “Batman” shooter James Holmes, for example, was a graduate student actually working on mind control technologies funded by the U.S. government. There were also chemical mind control elements linked to Jared Lee Loughner, the shooter of Congresswomen Giffords in Arizona in 2011.
“According to multiple eyewitness reports from Aurora, Colorado, including at least one caught on camera by mainstream media news reports in Colorado, James Holmes did not operate alone. There was a second shooter involved. But the media quickly eliminated any mention of a second shooter from its coverage, resorting to the typical cover story of a “lone gunman.”…”
“Today, the exact same thing is happening with the [Newtown], CT school shooting.
“Eyewitness reports of a second shooter now being “scrubbed” from the news
“As the story of this shooting was first breaking, the news was reporting a second gunman.
“FoxNews reported that this second gunman was “led out of the woods by officers” and then questioned. The original source of this report was the Connecticut Post….”
Mike Adams links to several stories that apparently were edited to “correct” the account of the second gunman.