Seeds of a new society – What kind of society do we want to live in?
In some articles, like this one, I’m writing mainly for people who recognize that there is a problem. If you don’t recognize there is a problem, you may not relate to many of the things I’m saying.
On the other hand, a large number of people of all political and religious stripes have concerns about the priorities of our current societies, so possibly some of the points I’m making will make sense to many people.
What would be a sound structure for an alternative society, or what we could term a “Natural Society”?
I’m literally writing about this question in a practical sense and I’m not interested in thinking of this in only theoretical or idealistic terms.
I feel that we need to build a society–as an embryo so to speak–from the ground we stand on right now as individuals–that possibly makes use of the existing institutions and laws to some extent and reshapes them in a way that will allow for us to survive what the oligarchs have planned for this world.
What kind of society do we really want to live in?
One of the most essential principles I think we need is that the life of each human person–from conception to old age, disabled or not, sick or healthy, weak or strong, needs to be re-elevated to primacy over all other considerations.
This becomes a SACRED principle of society which has been lost under the Huxleyan-style secular humanism that we have allowed to advance in modern times.
This would replace the profit motive when it comes to considerations, especially related to our priorities when it comes to actual health care and medical research for example. Many other principles would be related to this also, but the end result we are aiming at with the value of human life principle is a sense of security and care when it comes to how we treat other human beings. This would impact everything, including the monetary system (debt, interest rates), justice, rights and freedoms, democratic voice, how we are treated in the workplace, considerations about trade, technology and pollution.
In my view, this would tend towards a type of society that was more “old-fashioned” and less of a free-for-all when it comes to considerations about sexual integrity and behavior (e.g. protecting the vulnerable from sexual exhibitionism, predation, propaganda and interference), personal privacy, profanity, entertainment and culture.
It would also not be a society that was driven by top-down plans to “mobilize” large numbers of people in centrally-planned projects related to a privileged group’s ideas about war, education, economy or environment. Human beings should not be servants of society or the economy or other considerations. Society as a collective–in terms of law and justice–serves human beings. Human beings do not live to serve the building of pyramids or empires or a corrupt monetary system that shackles them to working to benefit strangers and working endless hours when there are plenty of resources to go around for everyone. Instead, society is in place so that but people are left alone for the most part–except in democratically-decided emergency actions–to become prosperous and happy and live their ways of life in peace.
The principles of a Natural Society need to be decided upon and established, but there are certain models of society and government that could do with some examination. In my view, some of the subjects worth researching are:
*English Common Law as described by Blackstone.
*Magna Carta, Diefenbaker’s Bill of Rights (Canada), Canadian Constitution including Charter of Rights and Freedoms, U.S Bill of Rights, etc.
*Swiss model of government, Direct Democracy especially
*Old Irish society. Did this involve judges? Property rights?
*Bible: ancient Israel under the Judges vs. Kings of Israel and Judah. Negative aspects of monarchy.
*Positive aspects of traditional religious-based or value-based empires, e.g. Byzantium (Eastern Orthodox Christianity) and Islamic empires (e.g. Ottomans)
*Negative aspects of empires and imperialism
*Current domination of so-called Liberal Democracy or Totalitarian Anti-Human Imperialist Globalism. This is what we have to deal with at present. It is actually run by a private group of corporation-controlling oligarchs. Unbelievably, it treats corporations as if they are human individuals with rights.
The latter system, the one we live under, called “liberal democracy,” combines its wage-reducing “free trade” agreements with its brutal wars, its totalitarian “security” and surveillance measures, and its sexualization of the young through education and degrading entertainment. It is tending towards a society of literal slavery, including sex slavery, and a society that uses human beings and body parts as commodities.
Topic to be discussed further in future posts