Population Media Center and the open funding of population control brainwashing via entertainment worldwide
Crypto-Eugenic Media Group: Population Control Brainwashing A “Smash Hit” by Jurriaan Maessen, ExplosiveReports.Com | December 28, 2012
“President of the Population Media Center, Bill Ryerson, recently bragged that its population control brainwashing campaign in developing nations has been “a smash hit.”
“The Population Media Center is an American population group producing fictional programs for worldwide dissimination purposes. Its mission: to spread the message of population reduction through works of fiction. Ryerson, the Center’s president, also heads the Washington-based Population Institute. Both groups are active in the modern day “population movement”, striving for worldwide population reduction in the name of the earth….”
The Population Media Center is backed by the following elitist groups who think there are “too many” people – who aren’t like them. “Too many people” is their story and you believe it because of decades of propaganda to alter your behavior. Now it’s out in the open:
Major corporations (original link: http://www.populationmedia.org/partners/corporate/)
A long list of foundations including Rockefeller and Ford
You can review the above lists. All groups funding the anti-human anti-family messages of depopulation should be boycotted if you can find a way to do it.
Why is the Canadian government supporting the UN groups for example – if it’s so “conservative”?
Why do we donate to UNICEF at Halloween if it doesn’t want children to be born?
I think it’s disgusting that people all over the world are being manipulated with our tax money that goes to the UN and various corporations and NGOs that have their own obsessive belief system about how people should live.
And according to the interview quoted, their behavior is being modified by entertainment. Our taxes are being used to fund INTERFERENCE in family life all over the world. But it has been going on for decades in the West also. That’s what television, movies and other forms of entertainment are for. They’re for interfering, especially with children, and for destroying our culture and our minds.
You left MTV on (another group listed above) – music television – and it’s interfering with your children right now. Have you seen the latest video by Christina Aguilera – “Your Body”? Have you listened to the lyrics? Maybe we should shut off the toxic waste before it goes any further.