Smarter Cities: energy efficiency/carbon/climate change scams lead to elderly being pushed out of their own homes (through expensive upgrades, fuel costs, property tax)
As mentioned on Cutting Through The Matrix:
Consider Jessie who is asset rich – she owns a house – but has no disposable income. As she becomes a pensioner she can no longer afford to pay her fuel bills for such a large and energy inefficient home and slips into Fuel Poverty. Statistics show that 65 percent of pensioners in the UK are in Fuel Poverty (page 15).
To what extent is there a growing trend of older people (65+) being property/asset rich but income poor? Do they lack the capital and knowledge to invest in energy efficiency measures (page 22)?
New housing for people 65+ who are single, still independent, but currently in inefficient housing.
The over 65s need the option to move to more suitable places in their local community rather than staying in expensive homes where their income is tied up and getting caught in Fuel Poverty. (page 25)
7. Community warmth centres
Encourage activities for the elderly and disabled in heated community centres. This is not only for reasons of social interaction, but also so that they have a warm place to go
during the day, can turn their own heating down and save
both money and carbon resources. The centres should be
easily accessible and within walking distance. (page 36)
22. Capture data from external organisations to identify
those who have hit an inflection point
It is possible proactively to identify a person who has just reached an inflection point, for example someone who has just begun to collect Job Seekers Allowance or their pension. Their data could be sent directly to Affordable Warmth organisations or Sustainable Glasgow, and combined with additional existing data (for example housing conditions in individual’s area). If the resulting report shows that they live in highly inefficient homes, they could be targeted with the appropriate energy literacy solution. (page 38)
47. New housing for those aged 65+ who remain single and independent, but are currently in inefficient housing Rather than staying put and getting caught in Fuel Poverty because of a lack of disposable funds, there needs to be an attractive option open for pensioners to move to suitable places in their local community. (page 41)
“65 percent of pensioners in the UK are in Fuel Poverty” because the UK is making so much “progress”!
Fuel is plentiful right now, so it should be cheaper. Seniors are poor because of property tax, carbon taxes and the climate change scam.
Instead of reducing taxes, which would be a decent recommendation, these people want to interfere with their lives and personal affairs. This is the whole point of Socialism.
The data collection and monitoring is also part of Socialism.
Another point of Socialist control is attacking the family which leads to isolation and exposure to State control and dependency. Note that more and more people are “single” and isolated since the family structure has been under sustained attack for years.
They have their made-up terminology: all of a sudden homes are “large” (compared to match boxes), “inefficient” and “expensive”.
If someone owns their home, they should be able to stay in it. They should have the right to their own property!
But we’re under Agenda 21, so the agenda is to push people out of their private homes and into communitarian housing so that everyone can be more closely monitored.