Exposing the delusions of the “conservative” movement and the false left-right paradigm, a reality-based assessment of Margaret Thatcher
The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher
Sean Gabb, Libertarian Alliance | April 8, 2013
…She started the transformation of this country into a politically correct police state. Her Government behaved with an almost gloating disregard for constitutional norms. She brought in money laundering laws that have now been extended to a general supervision over our financial dealings. She relaxed the conditions for searches and seizure by the police. She increased the numbers and powers of the police. She weakened trial by jury. She weakened the due process protections of the accused. She gave executive agencies the power to fine and punish without due process. She began the first steps towards total criminalisation of gun possession. …
… Her encouragement of enterprise never amounted to more than a liking for big business corporatism. Genuine enterprise was progressively heaped with taxes and regulations that made it hard to do business. Big business, on the other hand, was showered with praise and legal indulgences. ….
I think this is an excellent article, because we need to be clear in our minds about the deliberate long-term dismantling of what really matters in the U.K., Canada, U.S. and similar countries. There are many parallels to Canada. There are many changes and laws which should never have been introduced and which should have been rejected by everyone.