Long list: testimony about Vietnam War atrocities – an earlier CIA director came out of that
A Clipping File of Veteran War Crimes Testimony Circa 1969-1971 (http://www.inthemindfield.com/2013/04/05/a-clipping-file-of-veteran-war-crimes-testimony-circa-1969-1971/) Michael Uhl, inthemindfield.com | April 5, 2013
I have listed below more than ninety articles dating from the revelation of the My Lai massacre in late1969 until the fall of 1971 in which American war veterans presented compelling, eyewitness testimony on the “true nature of the Vietnam War.” Over and over in these accounts the veterans charged that Vietnamese civilians were routinely subjected to atrocities that resulted from policies designed and executed at the highest levels of American civilian and military wartime leadership. …
4. ”Peace Group to Set Up Panels on Atrocity Charges,” New York Times, November 30, 1969. The article reports “the formation of citizen’s commissions…where former soldiers would provide first-hand evidence of war crimes… including electric torture and killing of prisoners [as] part of an American policy in South Vietnam… carried out on orders from those higher up.” …
96. “U.S. Aide Defends Pacification Program in Vietnam Despite Killings of Civilians,” Felix Belair, Jr. The New York Times, July 20, 1971. The “aide” in question, William E. Colby, an intelligence operative who supervised the Phoenix Program in Vietnam, was soon to be appointed Director of the CIA. During his appearance before the House Government Operation subcommittee, “Two Republican representatives… charged that Operation Phoenix had been responsible for ‘indiscriminate killings of civilians… in violation of the Geneva Conventions.” …
What do ordinary people on both sides get from globalist wars: death, atrocity, degradation, demoralization.