Protect Meat – Part 1
UN Climate Conference Features Meat (and Emissions) Heavy Menu
The above article is about groups who are calling out the hypocrisy of delegates at the UN Climate Conference. It refers also to the following articles and declarations about meat consumption:
FAO: Key facts and findings (original:
IPCC report (document not found)
Nature: Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits A Radical Plan to Slow Climate Change: Eat Less Meat
The Climate Cost of Food at COP24
Global Climate Action Events at COP24: Full Programme – this included a Food Systems event:
This event, jointly organized by EAT and the UN Climate Change secretariat’s Momentum for Change initiative, in collaboration with The Rockefeller Foundation, aims to raise awareness of the role of food systems in addressing both climate change and the sustainable development goals.
Powerful corporate forces and their activist groups have been attacking the consumption of meat with their claim being that carbon gases – such as methane emitted by livestock – somehow changes the climate. Since we know that it is very likely that huge herds of wild, grass-eating herbivores have roamed the earth for thousands of years, this should be a non-starter as an argument.
On top of that, many of us could go on at length about the myth of blaming human carbon emissions for climate change. I know that creating a situation where our diet is very limited is part of a long-term agenda. Alvin Toffler expected this. Plato described this type of slave system in his Republic. The Club of Rome originated the idea of climate change in order to limit growth, to make humans appear to be their own enemy.
In other contexts and articles, you will have noticed that a religious doctrine of veganism is being promoted. At the top, it may seem to be just hypocritical, as at the climate conference, but putting limits on most human beings down below is the point–whether through taxes or food or information. With the followers, it becomes a religion that they sincerely believe in and push on others and practice until they can’t practice it anymore. As I’m well aware, younger people lack wisdom and are always vulnerable to cults and other forms of recruitment to new causes and “new” ideas being promoted, and the blind trust that their parents put in the system allows them to fail to protect their children from toxic influences–whether from the education system or media or the corporate food system for example.
It’s totally in line with the other policies of this oppressive system, with its brutal wars, its attacks on civil liberties, its euthanasia promotion, its encouragement of sterilization and abortion, its failed medical system, its contaminated glyposate-laden, genetically manipulated food, its fluoridated water system, its attempts at censorship, its demolition of economies via “free trade” agreements, its carbon taxes, its depopulation policies, its false information over decades about saturated fat, and so on.
I know or believe very strongly that animal-based foods are essential to optimum human health. There is plenty of information that can be presented. But there are also the issues of human free will, of freedom, of conscience, of democracy and sovereignty. People should be expressing their will in opposition to this agenda and slowing down efforts to implement these policies in their own country, such as Canada.
I think everyone should do what they can to protect our ability to eat meat and to produce meat, so that it continues to be available to as many people as possible. We should not allow food companies to be forced to go along with these anti-human agendas concerning “sustainability”. We should not allow governments to think these oligarchical policies are acceptable to all of us. I believe there are many people who object to talk about restrictions on meat production and consumption. Those of us who do should find ways to make our voice heard.