Response to CBC Radio News World Report 2013/06/25 – flooding in Alberta – media government worship prepping us for future of taxes and life-long training
This morning, CBC Radio News World Report (June 25, 2013) opened with the Calgary flood disaster. (podcast download–one day only)
This becomes a great opportunity for the Establishment to promote bigger government power grabs through natural disasters, which they try to associate with “climate change”.
So as people are reeling from being hit by nature, “experts” and politicians use the mainstream media propaganda outlets to explain how it’s a fact supposedly that the earth is warming and that the floods in Alberta are caused by “climate change”.
They leave out the term “man-made”–but we’re supposed to fill that in anyway–in order to blame ourselves for wanting anything at all that amounts to a standard of living. And we’re supposed to be twisted up in guilt so that we are willing to pay more taxes and be more obedient to government.
None of their assertions are justified using any kind of scientific reasoning. It’s all just sound-bytes and propaganda as usual. The earth has not warmed for 15+ years. We have just had one of the coldest springs in Canada in a long time. And there is no explanation as to how our economic activity creates flooding. It’s all hot air to justify a power grab.
In the same piece, they even have someone from Toronto say we need to get ready for earthquakes! All of this is used as an excuse for explaining to us why government needs to spend more to protect us from potential disasters.
And what this really means of course is that we are to believe that “climate change” and flooding is our fault–in order to justify our having to pay new kinds of taxes–and to come under the control more and more of government emergency training programs and indoctrination. They don’t talk about “taxes” directly but that is what is implied.
If we are going to be victims of climate change and events like flooding, would we be able to afford higher taxes? How can we do that when Canadians on average have incredibly high household debts? Why don’t you tell the flood victims that they should all pay higher taxes!
Talk about anti-social! I think that those who are promoting the climate change agenda of greater government control and taxes must be filled with hatred towards others.
Floods in Alberta, and out march the parasite “officials”, ready to suck more money out of us in order to grab power for the government.
This whole event has been one big government-worshiping festival, on the CBC anyway. Instead of blaming government officials for not building more flood protection when times were better, they fawn over them. And they talk about disaster preparation (which sounds more like attitude and obedience training) and more government spending.
These people are prepared to drag us all down to the pit of poverty.
That’s the point of the post-consumer society and Agenda 21. That’s what the Green Agenda and “climate change” is all about.
Agenda 21: indoctrination, poverty, “well-being”
Climate Change
Green Agenda
Club of Rome:
“The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man: In searching for a new enemy to unite us [politically], we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples [world government]. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention [or government intervention, or made up or hyped] and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour [submission to authoritarian indoctrination and post-consumer rationing] that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (page 115), 1991