Canadian Dr. Hardy Limeback vs. Fluoridation (February 23, 2009)
Dr. Hardy Limeback, “former President of the Canadian Association of Dental Research and current Head of Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto”.
Fluoridation – At Any Cost – Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
Explains the actual fluoride chemical that is added to the water along with contaminants (that build up in the body) and where it comes from (smokestack residue). Also explains the problem of fluorosis, particularly in children, and how fluoride is hurting their teeth and accumulating in their bones. A study is described concerning the effect on bone development, comparing Toronto (fluoridated) and Montreal (not fluoridated). Bone brittleness. The problem of hip fractures could become even more devastating after decades of accumulation. Links to bone cancer. Joint problems, arthritis. Possible effects on other systems in the body: thyroid, reproductive system, etc. He makes the point that cities never obtain informed consent from you when they make you drink it. Education and class action law suits are the way to go.
February 23rd, 2009
Comments for Canadian Dr. Hardy Limeback vs. Fluoridation
February 24th, 2009 at 2:38 am
Hats off to Professor Hardy Limeback for having the intestinal fortitude to come out against water fluoridation after promoting it for years.
The open letter titled, “Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water” by Hardy Limeback, DDS, BSc, PhD, can be accessed via this link
The transcript of a published interview with Professor Limeback titled, “Prominent researcher apologizes for pushing fluoride” can be accessed via this link
“Why I changed my mind about water fluoridation” (by Auckland’s former dental officer Dr John Colquhoun) can be accessed via this link – You can note in this article that dental decay was on a marked decline at least 23 years prior to the introduction of water fluoridation to New Zealand
and 40 years prior to the sale of fluoride toothpaste in New Zealand. You can also note that there was no acceleration of the decline in dental decay when fluoridated water and toothpaste were introduced.
Be sure to top off reading the above-mentioned articles by reading the “Professional’s Statement Calling for an End to Water Fluoridation” ( then clicking on the following three links and viewing the three lists of signatories to this statement which has now been signed by more than 2,100 professionals.
Signatories (International – Australia included)
Signatories (US A-M)
Signatories (US N-Z)
Professionals can sign the statement via this
and read quotes made by some of the signatories via this link (
Happy researching.