Canadian Liberty Report (November 18, 2008)
No to Auto Bail-outs!
No to Auto-Bail-Outs by the Canadian government.
No to Bank Bail-Outs
No to bailing out anybody with our money, which has been taken from us against our will (taxes).
No to emotional manipulation used to sucker us into conceding bail-outs as if it they are a foregone conclusion.
No to interfering and imposing wage conditions and market controls (more fascism) in exchange for bail-outs that are wrong in the first place.
No to imitating the U.S. government’s plunge over the cliff.
No to George Bush “defending the free-market system” when he has done nothing but attack true free markets with his massive national and global interventionism.
No to the rest of the establishment blaming the “free market”, which they don’t allow to exist in reality and which they hate.
No to central planning. No to fiat currency. No to central banks.
Will the government’s throne speech (original: contain substantial tax cuts? If there are going to be tough times ahead, the Canadian government should give people a break NOW and stop leeching off of us.
However, if I was to make a prediction, most officials at all levels – federal, provincial and municipal – will find more ways to suck away whatever they can get from us instead of letting us build a free and prosperous society.
Instead of that, the globalist political class, represented by people like Gordon Brown, Bush and Obama, want Canadians, Americans and Europeans to give up the idea of independence and freedom and follow along together with the same destructive and collectivist policies.
November 18th, 2008
Comments for Canadian Liberty Report – November 18, 2008
- Jean-Christophe Roux
November 18th, 2008 at 8:12 am
That’s an excellent statement.
The balance sheet of the bank of Canada is out of control.
Total Assets first week of October: 56B
Total Assets second week of November: 70B
Up 25% in a few weeks. Whoever says that the Canadian dollar is sound money is either a moron or a crook or both.