Toronto’s Restrictions on Taxi Services [Restricting Competition] (July 16, 2004)
Government Interference in Business, 1999 City of Toronto’s Restrictions on Taxi Cabs
The “Passenger Bill of Rights” is posted in every cab. The City of Toronto thinks its job is to raise the costs of taxi services, prevent the free speech of taxi drivers who want to recommend hotels and restaurants, and to interfere with direct accountability between the customer and the taxi company. Who does this benefit other than the not-so-good hotels, the poor restaurants, the special meter supplier and the local transportation system?
This document contains oh-so-enlightening thoughts about what kind of penalties cab owners should receive when they don’t show up for vehicle inspections – better have that air-conditioning or else!
Is this really to benefit the under-privileged or to create a situation where only the privileged can do business? Just a typical disgusting example of how we are controlled. Make sure that driver’s income is “monitored”! Monitor them. Penalize them. Rat them out. Make them obey. And make them shut up.