Montreal Massacre – The Wrong Lessons for 15 Years (December 12, 2004)
Montreal Massacre – The Wrong Lessons for 15 Years
Real Men Are Supposed to Protect Women
The Montreal Massacre (
cbc.caProfessor criticizes Montreal massacre memorials, Dec 7 ’00
In 1989, a scumbag named – Who Cares – we’ll call him W.C. for short – murdered 14 women at Montreal’s École Polytechnique.
He “…separated the men from the women and before opening fire on the classroom of female engineering students he screamed, “I hate feminists.””
Every year the feminist ruling class of Canada and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation memorialize the actions of this vicious killer of 14 human beings as being symbolic of “male violence towards women”.
What lessons are conveyed by the media in memorializing this event?
This memorial glorifies the actions of a childish vicious killer and immortalizes his name and image forever, thus reminding all mass murderers that the media will give them limitless attention. We get to “feel the pain” of this low-life whenever we turn on the news every December 6 for the rest of eternity.
Another message: The only evil-doers are men. And women are victims. As males, we get to see this warped image of manhood reflected back at us until kingdom come, while women get to hear how helpless they are.
The other lesson of course is guns are bad. Somehow the mainstream media never see the irony of their position. The truth is that more “gun control” means less guns to prevent victims. We are all to be passive victims of crime. We are not to protect our own lives, and we are not to protect others. We are to wait passively for the authorities to arrive and clean up.
The lessons we should have learned:
Actually, there should be more private security and more responsible trained people with access to fire-arms – to prevent lunatics from committing massacres. Of course, the authorities and the brain-washed public don’t trust people to defend their own lives and would rather keep the status quo. But I think many can understand that we all have a basic natural right to self-defence, and murderers should understand it too.
Political “Solutions”
Some people cannot accept the fact that human nature is weak and corrupt – otherwise, how could they justify concentrating so much power in the hands of human political institutions? The fact is that human nature has a dark side and this is prevalent in both genders. The world is full of injustice and violence – it’s true – but we should watch out for the ones who set themselves above human nature to “fix” this problem. Aren’t they the same as everyone else? [I wouldn’t say this with what I know now in 2014.]
It seems to me that some people want a political solution to maleness. They don’t like the fact that men are not the same as women and they want to target maleness as some kind of sickness. So, in their dreams, they want a political solution for the “root cause” of the constant abuse that goes on day and night under the sun – and it does go on – and it does call for action and justice against the individuals who are responsible [case by case] – but maleness is not the cause. Maleness or masculinity protects.
But a political “solution” would ultimately involve what kinds of injustice? Can we only imagine the horror show of social democratic attempts to stamp out male “aggression”?
Maybe they can find a Bush or a Clinton – one or the other represents goodness and light depending on how “conservative” or “liberal” you are – to bomb all the non-conforming “aggressive” “sexist” males in the world – without hitting the women and children of course. Ha! But they’re already doing that to all the “backward” nations, aren’t they? Eliminate global sexism through imperial militarization!
Or force boys to take drugs – medicalize their “aggressive” behavior (wait a second – ritalin [and many other psychotropic drugs]).
But don’t forget to introduce re-education camps for boys and replace parents with institutions (wait – public education).
God save us from those who would use the government to force a basic change to our nature. The law should provide justice against males who victimize women, and the law should enhance the individual’s right to self-defense. But the law should not attempt propaganda attacks and behavioral controls on our basic nature.
Real Men Respect and Protect Women
Actually, human nature is not all bad and what I really want to say is this:
Men are made to protect women. This is what we are really made for – our best nature. And the essence of manhood is to protect women as well as to provide for them. This male ideal is contained in the ancient tradition of Chivalry. Where do you ever hear about that? Thankfully there are still strong elements of this “sexist” idea in the popular culture.
Are positive aspects of maleness being suppressed by our elites in their futile attempts to suppress the negative aspects? Yes, mostly out of ignorance, but there are those in power who want to make all of us – both sexes – passive – by creating an entertainment-induced, dumbed-down, media-saturated culture of passivity.
If positive male instincts are suppressed, it won’t stop massacres and abuse, but it means many males will feel more helpless and be more easily manipulated. How do you get yourself out of this? UNPLUG yourself from the mindless noise and start thinking for yourself.
Endless politicization, empty slogans, government control of education, attempts to regulate thoughts and beliefs – and all they leave us is empty materialism and media noise. We wait for “them” to tell us what is important, what to think, what to believe. It seems like that anyway, but you don’t have to live like that at all. Create your own media and speak up for your ideals instead of theirs.
How can a passive male “take action” to “stop violence” if the positive protective side of maleness is denigrated or ignored? Ignore those who do that! Men are supposed to be different and it is not their difference that causes crime. Human nature contains destructive elements and there are some who choose to do evil. It’s up to men (and women) of good will to bring out the good side of their nature and believe in who they really are.
So men should feel good about being men [but this incident doesn’t help]. Real men respect and protect women. I need to say that – you need to say it – because we never hear it from the CBC.