9/11 hijackers lived with FBI informant
Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant, cbsnews.com, September 9, 2002
“…Newsweek magazine reports that Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi lived with a “tested” undercover “asset” who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego.
“…The CIA was keeping an eye on the men after the two had attended an al Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000.
“Alhazmi and Almihdhar moved into the house in September of 2000…
“…While there, the FBI informant prayed with them and even helped one open a bank account. Alhazmi and Almihdhar took lessons at a flight school while living in San Diego.
“The two men were aboard American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.
“…A bigger questions, said one counter-intelligence expert, is why the case agent, who knew that two Saudi men were staying with the informant, didn’t show more curiosity about them…”
“…The CIA sent out an alert Aug. 23, 2001, naming the two as possible terrorists — but the FBI didn’t know the names of the two houseguests, who had moved out months earlier.”