Police state laws like Bill C-51 creating world dictatorship
By Alan Mercer
I know it’s last-minute, but here is the link again for this petition against Bill C-51.
There has been a gradual process over the decades, which accelerated after 9/11, of building a framework for a global scientific dictatorship.
The people used to guide these changes are basically extremists who have fully infiltrated all political parties and have no consideration for the ideals they spout to us at school and in the media since the day we’re born.
Bills like these will probably be used against dissidents. That’s the bottom line.
This type of legislation is always introduced with media propaganda and with the use of staged, provocateured terrorist events with drug-addicted criminals and others who are easily manipulated.
I listen to the CBC regularly, and the CBC uses plenty of propaganda. CBC propaganda has been very blatant and noticeable to me since the Libya invasion. The CBC was practically celebrating the day Sharia law was introduced by the terrorists used to overthrow the government in Libya. Everyday they gradually build up a new and bizarre reality for all of us, and not just about war and security.
Even the NDP looked like they were just going to go along with the bill despite many of their supporters. They were probably just going to go ahead and carry on the recent Canadian tradition of near-unanimous votes on war and security measures, but that would look too obvious this time.
All the major political parties really do support the scientific police state. They all really do support the wars. They’ll all go along with the attacks on civil liberties. They all really do support Agenda 21, anti-property rights, climate change, surveillance, planning policies–collectively, as a whole, they’re all the same–on some issues just by silence. All the global trade agreements, secret or otherwise. All the G20 meetings. All the globalism. If they need to pretend to be against something, they do. Maybe on rare occasions there is some actual discomfort with new “reforms.” I don’t doubt that some politicians feel really uncomfortable with what they’re engaged in. They’re human after all.
All the major Canadian political parties, maybe even the smaller ones sometimes–they do what they’re told and what they’re paid to do. They are private organizations who represent someone else’s interests and they get you to vote for them in elections.
The fake left-right paradigm–totalitarian socialists who only differ superficially and in their rhetoric–is being used heavily to manipulate the public.
The “party” becomes a stand-in substitute for actual values.
Believe whatever a bunch of paid propagandist mercenaries tell you about staged events–stories that are full of holes, informants and entrapment–and cross your fingers.
I would like to think the current Angus Reid poll about C-51 is a lie and distortion, but I don’t know.
In any case, the poll is not a democratic referendum.
Neither a poll nor a referendum determines what is right and wrong.
This bill goes against our natural rights, freedoms and civil liberties–rights we have had for a long time. And other legislation has already weakened our rights in the same way.
Practically all major legislation weakens our rights and empowers government–and international “governance” via the treaties that are signed.
Governments want the power to do whatever they want.
That’s why supposedly we have a Charter of Rights that protects our rights.
Why would we need our rights–free speech and civil liberties–protected?
Why would anyone want to take them away?
It’s the same motivation that will insist on injecting you from an early age with some so-called vaccines–that are often loaded up, along with other questionable substances, with aborted human fetal cells (human diploid cells). Did you know about that? Read the official product monographs (found online).
“Trust” them. Why would they lie?
You now have the “right” to “die” in Canada (supposedly). Isn’t it great? The government and doctors are there to help you die now.
Just repeat the slogans.
It’s the same motivation that dismantles the value of human life and rational traditions about family life and property rights.
It’s the same motivation that dumbs the education down and lowers entertainment to the lowest level, introducing sado-masochism to as many people as possible all at the same time!
In one of my posts, I discussed Huxley’s novel Brave New World and his strange insertion of the theme of sado-masochism.
This bill is part of an attack on our minds and values, an attack on moral rules that protect us from predators and tyrants.
All of this is a coordinated effort to attack whatever protects us, whatever makes us strong and independent and rational–by well-paid extremists of all shapes and sizes.