Toronto G20: allegations of sexual threats and other abuses
G20 reporters file complaints to Ont. police watchdog,, June 20, 2010
“On Tuesday, Jesse Rosenfeld, Amy Miller, Daniel McIsaac and Lisa Walter each filed complaints about their arrests with the Office of Independent Police Review Director.
“Montreal-based journalist Amy Miller told a news conference on Monday that officers threatened to rape her when she was arrested Sunday afternoon.
“”I was told I was going to be gang banged. I was told that I was never going to want to act as a journalist again by making sure I was going to be repeatedly raped while I was in jail,” she said.”
Comments about G20 Abuse
If this is true, and if the other stories are true about the abuse faced by reporters, activists and other prisoners, then this is a pattern being set of deliberate intimidation and terror to suppress disagreement, and it means that our society is in big trouble.
For one thing, I notice a lot of excuse-making in the article comments section by people who support everything the power structure does because they identify with abusers and would rather not be interrupted with their fun and games and their cozy illusions about how everything’s fine.
Basically, this abuse fits completely with the fact that the representatives of lawless international bankers just set down a fortress and set up their own army in a normally peaceful city.
And they spent over 1 billion dollars of our money on this army, this so-called “security”! That is abuse against taxpayers. What do you expect other than more ABUSE? And we are trained to ignore it and let it slide.
And a lot of our excuse-making is because of the stupid liberal-conservative left-right paradigm where we are trained to take sides as if these political parties mean anything.
And a lot of it is because of the stupid brainwashing in TV and movies which portray the police as holy angels who can do no wrong.
Also we make excuses because of the evil indoctrination in TV and movies which portray the “good guys” carrying out abuse and torture.
None of us are real men – or women – if we stand by and let these things happen without complaint. We are sleep-walking into more atrocities. We are being slowly transformed into an abusive global police state through gradual acceptance of “watch lists”, and other “anti-terrorism” measures such as detention without trial, and obscene violations such as airport body scanners.
And we don’t seem to care, at least we won’t speak up about it. And literally, lots of us are out there celebrating Canada Day – as if Canada is going to continue – and partying and thinking everything’s fine. Everything’s just going to stay the way it is? Seriously.
Many people must really think that they’re going to be left alone just as long as they go along. Hey, they DUMPED THE NEW HST TAX ON TOP OF US in Ontario! And our regulated electricity rates have gone up, and part of that is to pay for smart meters. In this economy. And our closest ally is going to start another war! Who can afford that?
And the ruling class – i.e. the pushers of the “environmental movement” – those who run the U.N. and the U.S. and major international corporations – are pushing energy taxes so that we literally produce less carbon, and shut our lives down and our ability to survive. So that they can grind us into the ground, and take what we have left, so that they have total control over us.
It is outrageous what is happening with the G20 and the HST and the endless wars we have to pay for. These politicians don’t care about the people. They just do what they’re told by their bosses. Why? Because WE are not involved. We are doped out of our minds on distractions.
There is more of that in store for us. How many more taxes in this type of economy do you think we can stand? Business as usual?! How much more war and taxes and billion-dollar world government conferences will we be able to stand?
And many are in denial about the real origin of the terrorism that has occurred and most of us never want to see what is as plain as day. About 9/11 for example. The towers came down in a cloud of dust and molten steel. 9/11 was the excuse the ruling elites needed to start their reign of war and tyranny.
It’s called “false flag” when an army or government makes it seem as if they were attacked by the other side, when they staged the attack on themselves, so that they can justify their subsequent actions against their target.
Who are these masked Black Bloc “anarchists” who rampaged through the streets of Toronto, smashing windows and burning police cars? The effect was to discredit all the peaceful protesters in the minds of the public, and to give the police an excuse to go after them.
And those of us who believe in liberty, we never get liberty. We’re not getting more property rights. We’re not getting lower taxes. That’s because the ones who rise to the top and have always run things DON’T WANT US TO BE FREE.
And there is no end to the potential evil that can occur, since our society has been re-engineered to abandon common values and common morality about respect for others and ourselves.
We’ve been re-engineered through propaganda and gradual social revolution to not get along with each other, to not respect human life, to devalue human beings, to devalue each other. So that we are easily conquered. And we’re told to entertain ourselves and focus on work and let other people with fancy titles and uniforms run our society into the ground.
So, good for these reporters who are filing complaints and standing up for themselves.
These bankers and world rulers who stole Toronto from us and stole it’s peace are just getting us ready for more of the same as they bring nations under international government. More lawlessness from government, more corruption, more lies. They’re training people to not speak up and not object to what government does.
The G20 is a betrayal of Canadians by their governments – federal, provincial, municipal, by the police. It’s a take-over. It’s treason. It’s worldwide. It’s all down hill from here unless we break out of our conditioning.
The following article gives you an overview of the G20 events in Toronto by someone who was arrested and locked up – typically for no good reason. He raises important points about the potential war with Iran, but I don’t agree with the focus on Harper, as it doesn’t make any difference which party is in power:
Inside Torontanamo: My Experience Inside the G20 Detention Facility, by Matt Shultz,, July 2-5, 2010
Also, here is a similar point of view about the “Black Bloc” anarchist rampage at the G20: “G20 Toronto Black Bloc: Green light to rampage?“, July 2, 2010, by CanadiansNanaimo