Overview: UN International Day of Happiness, Climate Action, Earth Hour
By Alan Mercer, 20 March 2016
Edition 2
Broadcast presentation just under 3 hours (too long to watch) Happiness and Well-being in the UN 2030 Agenda: Achieving a New Vision of Sustainable Development for the People and the Planet (http://webtv.un.org/live-now/watch/happiness-and-well-being-in-the-un-2030-agenda-achieving-a-new-vision-of-sustainable-development-for-the-people-and-the-planet/4809203383001) at UN Web TV: webtv.un.org.
One of the presentations, about a third of the way the video shows a graphic mentioning “gender mainstreaming” and “anti-domestic violence”, so it’s an example of how the elites try to poke and prod at points of view that are intended to aggravate people and create artificial tension and division. Such individual problems should either be dealt with through an effective justice system (if there is any such thing) or an effective psychological or medical counselling (if there is any such thing), but instead, the United Nations presents itself as the all-loving, all-wise and nurturing saintly God-like teacher and resolver of all problems that it perceives.
An emphasis on measuring “happiness” as a replacement for a strong economy appears to be the thrust of the overall message (see below), and the effort to measure “happiness” is an essential component to the Brave New World that has been building up around us. The promotion of gender confusion, as well as the targeting of girls with propaganda (see other news stories at the UN news headlines page or via the UN podcast), is a constant theme with the United Nations, and has obvious tie-ins with what appears to be the actual agenda of no longer having families described in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World novel.
PDF programme of the event:
“Happiness and Well-being in the UN 2030 Agenda: Achieving a New Vision of Sustainable
Development for the People and the Planet”
Examples of some of the presentations at this event, and you can observe the New Age and feel-good themes that cloak this power grab as the real agenda levels our standard of living (Agenda 21, 2030, carbon pricing, austerity):
10:30 — 10:40
Musical Performance:
Pianist Russell Daisey with musicians “Happy People Happy Planet” original song and performance (and Hug A Planet)
11:05 – 11:10
Sonia Emmanuel
Holistic coach & energy medicine expert
11:30 – 11:40
Dr. Dan Haybron
Professor of philosophy, St. Louis University
12:45 – 12:50
Advocate Amerigo Festa
President, United Beings
I looked up the website for this organization (in Italian): United Beings Project: www.ubproject.org, and Amerigo Festa is one of the writers at this website (see http://www.ubproject.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=5 (http://www.ubproject.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=5)). Some of the points being advocated in this particular article include “adequate” housing and “adequate” healthcare. The following is a promotional video on Youtube: United Beings Project History of an Utòpia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-sNwrbz9cw.
They seem to have typical esoteric beliefs, according to the translation I have of their Vision page (via Chrome): Vision: http://www.ubproject.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=36:
. . . a general transformation of human consciousness which overcomes the dominant visions egotic-selfish . . .
Our work aims to contribute to this desirable transformation, also useful to a profound evolution of the human race . . .
These concepts of “transformation of human consciousness” and “evolution” are typical esoteric or occult concepts. They may sound very airy-fairy but I think they take on sinister implications when we think of the technological methods that could be implemented (and have already been implemented via psychotropic drugs) to transform “human consciousness” and create a “profound evolution” in human beings in order to make us more compliant. I believe we’re really talking about Julian Huxley’s transhumanism.
In any case, another example from the agenda for the event:
3:00 — 3:10
Dr. José Foglia, M.D., Ph.D
Neurologist, the Biology of Kindness
Just picking on this person at random, Dr. Foglia is literally a member of the Theosophical Society (see: http://www.antiageingconference.com/index.html?pg=foglia15), as you would expect to see at the United Nations (see: http://www.readthespirit.com/explore/dag-hammarskjolds-introduction-to-the-united-nations-meditaiton-room/).
According to this information,
We can reinvent our brains and (there by ourselves) through neuroplasticity.
So I believe the media publicity of emphasizing the “plasticity” of the human brain’s potential to learn ties in with the idea of lifelong education (or re-education).
One of his lectures can be found here: http://www.ts-adyar.org/content/adyar-convention-2015-dr-jose. The YouTube link is: Day 3 – THEOSOPHY-SCIENCE lecture, Dr Jose Foglia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwJLeu8Phz8. The lecture is about the ‘Neurophysiology of Compassion’.
Just listening to a few snippets, it seems to be the standard Fabian blame game of blaming human beings in general for the world being violent, etc. (and not an elite predator class who seek to dominate and exploit us through endless brutal wars and terrorism in order to set us up for their “solution” of scientific dictatorship. Lining young men up in front of machine guns to die in World War I was our idea, right?).
And so, whatever techniques he is recommending (possibly including meditation and possibly nutrition from what I can see so far), it’s all about changing us into something more “peaceful”. So the UN wants a world in which most people are peaceful, but there are all these globalist-hired mercenaries running around doing whatever they want to people to create general chaos. Who will be making us pay carbon taxes? This is the time for us to become even more “compassionate” and compliant, right?
There is also a Lions Club presentation, because the Lions Club is a big supporter of the United Nations. See “Mission and History” here: http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/who-we-are/mission-and-history/index.php. I don’t know if the members of the Lions Club understand the United Nations agenda. Their talk is on “happiness through service.”
NLP expert Paul McKenna is one of the speakers. I haven’t heard of this guru before. There is too much to comment on. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_McKenna and here: www.paulmckenna.com.
One of the themes has to do with meditation techniques. From this, I guess we will be seeing more and more of this kind of training and “education” as time goes on (amounting to NLP–neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis), as the carbon tax–and other invasions–kick in. I hope my expression “kick in” isn’t so literal, but there you go. We’ll be very calm while the carbon tax is imposed on us and we’re shifted around to move in to more “adequate” housing.
Another presentation:
4:30 – 4:51
THE FIELD Resonance Medit-Action: a 21-Minute experience
All participants in the Hall, in Resonance and in Communion of Intent, with Individuals and Groups around the World, will generate a Field of Anticipated Joy and Gratitude, that will reach, envelope, and fill all Humanity.
There is another presentation by Michelle Breslauer on “Measuring Peacefulness“. Like I said above, we’re talking about institutions who are getting ready to “measure” happiness.
One of the UN stories shows clearly the connections between the international corporations, Hollywood and the marketing and promotion of “climate action” — or blaming us – and literally making us pay – for changes in the weather (possibly scientifically modified weather but also naturally changing weather) and war policies and terrorism and other nasty things that corporations and governments do very deliberately to us, appealing directly via children who, instead of being raised by parents, are now being raised by globalist propaganda and the international corporate neo-feudal agenda. Does it sound like you’re being given a choice about what your children are being taught about “climate science” and emitting carbon dioxide and paying money to very wealthy people (trading carbon) via government carbon pricing in order to solve “climate change”?
Is the “angry bird” (see below) giving you or your child a choice about these new religious dogmas that have no supporting evidence or sound philosophical justification? Making people pay more for just being alive is not going to improve our lives as human beings. That is absurd. Climate change action is an invalid contradiction. It’s about POWER.
Time maybe for you to take a stand and lift a finger to stop it?
Yes, I’m sorry but this is the Rockefeller-founded United Nations and Rockefeller (yes, Big Oil, sorry) and other banker, monopolist overlords funded the “green” movement and climate change propaganda (and a long history of ideologies to break our backs with). They also have long promoted the watering down of various religions in order to “unify” them and neutralize them so that they can be replaced, and they have been. Now what do we have: psychotropic drugs en masse, mass hypnosis via television, slogans, the promotion of sexual promiscuity instead of families (which targets teens and younger children directly)–all of the elements of Huxley’s novel. Next, I would guess that we are going to have more and more organized forms of adult “education” in groups that involve NLP and hypnosis as the new global religion–also a component of Brave New World. That’s the gist of all of this.
The specific story:
UN appoints Red from the ‘Angry Birds’ as Honorary Ambassador for International Day of Happiness (http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=53491#.Vu8GPdIrKig) from UN News Centre Headlines: http://www.un.org/apps/news/latest-headlines.asp. See also UN News Centre: http://www.un.org/apps/news/archive.asp. Also found in PDF for March 18: http://www.un.org/News/dh/pdf/english/2016/18032016.pdf
. . . The campaign, in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Foundation, asks the general public across the world to make the Angry Birds happy by taking actions on climate change and sharing their photos and commitments on social media platforms using the common hashtag #AngryBirdsHappyPlanet.
By recycling, taking public transportation and conserving water, for example, individuals can share tips on how they can live sustainably and happily [?] in their everyday lives, he said. . . .
Making us “conserve” all these resources is part of the process of taking them away from whatever control we have. You can call it world government or communism or privatization or Agenda 21 or 2030, whatever. It’s all elements of the same thing. We’re supposed to hand over everything to oligarchs and their institutions. That’s what Agenda 21 and 2030 is about.
In a message to mark this year’s Happiness Day, Mr. Ban said that “At this time of grave injustices, devastating wars, mass displacement, grinding poverty and other man-made causes of suffering,” the Day is a global chance to assert that “peace, well-being and joy deserve primacy.”
“It is about more than individual contentment; it is an affirmation that we have a collective responsibility to humanity,” he added.
By advancing progress towards the interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly last September, “we can help spread happiness and secure peace,” he stressed.
Who is “we”?
Who owns and rules humanity?
This new “god”.
The rulers blame the ruled, pretend to be different from the ones who create the wars (as if the carbon taxes are going to stop the wars), and pretend to bring the “solutions”. They run the false opposition to themselves. The U.S. plays the bad cop, ruining its reputation worldwide, but also promotes the “good guy” United Nations policies (of controlling resources) at the same time. Come on!
Why should the UN “officials” (even if they were elected and they’re not) have any right to insert themselves into the private psychological and emotional states of human beings? What does that have to do with them? It’s the same attitude they take with their anti-reproductive propaganda relating to gender. Why do they have a right to wield publicly-funded authority (combined with corporate funds) over these areas of life that should be left up to us? Obviously they don’t agree that our own thoughts and lives should be private.
If it was an actual religion or church, we could either join it or leave it, but we have no choice about being “under” the influence of the UN or whatever the UN is turning into, since we’re always funding it and letting its propaganda seep into our lives in every way, especially having to do with “health” and “education”.
Again with Earth Hour and its corporate monopolist marketing:
19 March, 2016: Earth Hour 2016: UN goes dark to spotlight climate change: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=53496
Organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Earth Hour encourages individuals, companies, organizations and Governments to switch off their lights for one hour at 8:30 p.m., local time worldwide, to focus attention on people-driven solutions to protecting the planet and building a bright, sustainable future.
Mr. Ban notes that the world is now entering a new era of opportunity. “Together, we can create the low-emissions future the world needs for sustainable development and a life of dignity and stability for all. Earth Hour reminds us that we all have a role to play.”
“Opportunity” comes from turning off the lights?! Is “low-emissions future” an oxymoron? DOES “LOW-EMISSIONS” SOUND LIKE A FUTURE? Does it sound like “dignity”? Is that the “stability” of not being able to move because you can’t afford fuel or you can’t afford meat?
The WWF was created by Julian Huxley (see above) and other oligarchs to do exactly what it does, to promote feudal overlordship by an elite oligarchy over the planet’s resources, including all human activity. They started with wildlife and then they moved on to writing environmental legislation (“lobbying”) EVERYWHERE, which you live under (“green belts” and “smart growth” and “clean water” and “endangered species”, etc.). And you let your “representatives” vote these laws in–politicians who also belong to private international-based organizations called political parties. And they take away our natural God-given RIGHTS, they take away the control we have over our own lives and resources.
So take your hands off the wildlife! And the water! And the energy! It all belongs to them, this special class of people. Everything. That’s what the UN Agenda 21 document amounts to. That’s why you have the surveillance cameras up and pointing in your “smart city”. Remember to take your daily guilt pills too, right? That’s your education, or it’s going to continue to be if you don’t put a stop to all of this. And it started a long time ago, so no need to be too hard on yourself. But we have to start somewhere.