Services: lobbying – research – publishing – what has gone wrong – finding your voice in Canada
Many have probably noticed that life isn’t what they expected it to be, that many things are falling apart around them. In brief, there was an older (yet imperfect) value system that has been systematically undermined. People are bombarded with false options, with false dialectics of left and right, and with false explanations for everything.
Sometimes our concerns seem to have to do with an apparent war on traditional values, and sometimes our concerns have to do with health, with finances, with family or the lack thereof, with chemical toxicity, with cultural propaganda, with toxic entertainment. There are many things going wrong. There is constant revolution.
I can say that it’s best not to be too quick to join groups which claim to have explanations and solutions. Groups can be helpful and working with others can be very positive, but still it seems clear to me anyway that many groups are created in order to misdirect our minds and energy–to control opposition.
Don’t throw away the opportunity to exercise your own initiative and reasoning as independently as possible. Cooperating with others is a need we all have, but being individuals who think for ourselves is also necessary. In fact, if we are waiting for someone else to fix things for us, we will be waiting a long time.
Certain professions are looked up to, but those professionals are absorbed in their own money-making and in their own particular obsessions–and they do not question the system they are a part of. In fact, they shore it up and sustain it instead of doing anything to fix anything or protect the values that need protecting.
I never picked a profession–because I didn’t want to devote every waking moment to making some wheel go around. I knew that people should be involved in the world around them, with the structure of their community–with democracy you might say. With me, my life from an early age was a search for the truth. That has been my millstone.
Like most people, I have to work doing other things that hopefully are positive in a lot of ways but not related to what’s going on, and it takes a lot of time and energy away from dealing with real issues. And that’s how things are designed in my opinion. I would prefer to very deliberately move away from having to work full-time doing other things and moving towards making a living part-time or full-time in which I can provide relevant services that attempt to address fundamental issues we are struggling with.
So I am offering the following services to individuals or organizations in Canada:
1) Lobbying – which is the right of every citizen – so it’s about helping you lobby on behalf of a cause in which we are in agreement. Every citizen has a right to submit briefs to parliamentary committees for example.
2) Research – looking for information you need regarding an issue.
3) Publishing – providing reports that are useful on particular topics of concern.
Feel free to contact me to see if I can assist you in finding your own voice as I continue to find mine.