U.S. attack on top Iranian general – observations and the need for values-based societies – Part 3
Continued from Part 2
In Part 1, I referred to the Middle East agenda. There are three sources, including a clear statement by General Wesley Clark who provided a list of nations that were on the U.S. government’s target list, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.
My expectation of what is happening afterwards is that ruling elites in the West–via governments–are making the most of this incident in order to continue their efforts to overthrow the Iranian regime.
Traditional values mandate that people stand up to bullies and that they don’t condone cruelty. Ever since 9/11 these types of values have been turned upside down–because it’s easier to just go along. This attack or another incident like it could potentially become a war and used an excuse for terrible policies to be imposed on us–such as mass vaccination and more censorship. I don’t believe that this has to be inevitable, and I hope that all these efforts fail, but I think there is an agenda and it has to be resisted by ordinary people.
I don’t want to give in to any fears. I don’t surrender my values no matter how many Hollywood “heroes” use torture in their propaganda films and TV shows. I don’t want to surrender my values. All of those rights and freedoms spelled out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that these elites targeted after 9/11–I don’t concede ANY OF THEM. Nothing. All of us should make use of these principles. These, along with other facts of life which some people deny, are the TRUTH and we should make use of whatever truth we understand NOW. I don’t see Muslims as the enemy. I do not want Canada interfering in the Middle East. I don’t want war. I am sorry that generations are deceived by government and corporate media.
Our societies need to be based on justice. Not on might makes right. Not on propaganda and sloganeering. And we should not be putting any energy into supporting this global secret society regime –whether it has liberal or conservative flavors–which seems to be completely dominating human consciousness through media if not physically dominating our resources.
We should be reserving our own space and our own time ever day in this world and we should not let these people monopolize our time and our attention with the trouble they stir up constantly. We shouldn’t let it intimidate us, or blind us, or stop us from just clearly stating what we believe without fear.
The true HATERS–the war-mongers–and the ones who do the most damage with all their other anti-human policies (“left” or “right”)–who have no respect for human lives–they come after the public globally with constant efforts at censorship. People want to express their sense of what is going wrong, they want to question policies and messages from established institutions–and that’s why the mealy-mouthed media puts out the rhetoric about “hate groups”. Professional propagandists can only intimidate–they don’t allow discussion–they have no commitment to truth.
What I think the Agenda is with potential war
I believe there are some facts to go on that indicate the current geopolitical direction for the future. I think it has been implied by researchers for a long time. I think it’s worth spelling out some of what we know about the planned “future” from establishment writers.
I don’t believe in an inevitable God-ordained apocalypse. I believe that religion and entertainment are actively being used to promote biblical texts that predict apocalyptic scenarios. I think there are good aspects to religion, including Christianity and the Bible, but I can’t endorse either of these things wholeheartedly at all because I believe they are mixtures of both good and evil (with a lot of good). I believe that the Book of Revelation for example is actually a formula for destabilizing society. The apocalyptic entertainment (books, movies, TV shows, video games)–whether it is Christian or New Age–conveys a sense of dread, doom and inevitable collapse that is intentionally designed to make people give up control over their own lives–to give up stabilizing values and institutions that provide protection from predatory powers.
This was a theme I pointed out in Aldous Huxley’s Crome Yellow. This teaching of the end times apocalypse along with interference in the Middle East has been preached for over a hundred years.
This is part of the point of what we see both in entertainment and in the so-called “reality” media–the news we hear about wars. There are real consequences and victims at the ground level–but there is a planned out “theater” in which events are orchestrated in order to achieve a certain end state. For one piece of evidence in the case of World War I, see https://duckduckgo.com/?q=archduke+ferdinand’s+car+license+plate&.
There are two prongs to this. There is a focus on the Middle East along with more and more suppression of criticism towards Middle East, pro-Israel policies. To bolster this, many Christians are systematically politicized into supporting these policies using a dispensationalist interpretation of biblical prophecies, and I referred to these 19th century doctrines above with respect to Crome Yellow. It is pernicious to indoctrinate Christians into believing that Arabs have a lower status as human beings–including Arabs who belong to ancient Christian denominations.
These types of Christians have traded the best part of their religion–Christian values of love and mercy towards fellow human beings–and like Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of pottage–they have traded these in for the cheap thrill of believing they are helping to usher in the Apocalypse. They get nothing at all out of it politically by supporting rhetoric-spouting “conservative” politicians. Traditional values are collapsing–abortion and other anti-family depopulation doctrines become stronger and stronger–the governments they support don’t stop any of these international policies–they get worse and worse–and all they do is lose their sons and daughters to the war machine–for the exciting thrill of believing the world is coming to an end. They are being actively led over a cliff.
The second prong of this agenda is the internationalist aspect to it. The U.S. comes across as the “bad guy” to the international public and the traditional values of Americans that could benefit the world end up being demonized along with the aggressive actions of U.S. governments. The New World Order–announced repeatedly by George Bush Sr. in the early 1990s–apparently will eventually take the shape of a group of “saviors” who will claim to have something better to offer to the world instead of America’s empire. The same oligarchs who have built the American empire (and the British Empire before) and its wars–will portray themselves as squeaky clean saints–likely using the same institutions which were already created in the U.S.–such as the United Nations–and using the same advanced technology also.
This, in any case, is my interpretation of the future agenda outlined in oligarch Jacques Attali’s Brief History of the Future. Attali has been a top adviser to French presidents and a top European banker. You can use the Wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Brief_History_of_the_Future as a brief outline. The first stage is “hyper-empire” which is just the U.S. going all the way with its globalization efforts and its technology. Then there is a huge conflict in which traditional cultures and religions are struggling for survival. Then there is a so-called “hyper-democracy” introduced as a solution by enlightened benefactors along with an Artificial Intelligence “world brain” to guide us into perfect utopia.
To simplify my interpretation of his outline: 1. “Bad Cop” spreads globalism, depopulation, social engineering and hyper-surveillance while pretending to represent freedom (and even sometimes “conservatism” ha ha). 2. Conflict as traditional cultures attempt to assert themselves against these agendas–I guess they don’t succeed. 3. When the dust settles, “Good Cop” takes the reigns of a scientific dictatorship–and the transhumanist utopia heralded by Julian Huxley, H. G. Wells, Teilhard de Chardin, and Terrence McKenna takes over.
Order out of chaos.
H. G. Wells also outlines a version of this in his non-fiction books such as The New World Order. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_World_Order_(Wells). In this short book, Wells mentions how he expects there to be opposition and how it will be crushed. United Nations Agenda 21–a massive resource-grabbing Domesday Book for the world–was published in 1992 along with the first climate treaty–just after Bush Sr. had made his announcements about the New World Order–and one of those speeches was made on September 11, 1990, which was 11 years before 9/11.
Other books relating to the same agenda:
The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells: https://canadianliberty.com/h-g-wells-the-open-conspiracy/
Between Two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinski: https://canadianliberty.com/between-two-ages-by-zbigniew-brzezinski/
Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley