Proposal concerning COVID-19 policies – could cut both ways – let’s have direct democracy
Let’s introduce direct democracy in Canada. Week to week, let all adult citizens vote on the current, TEMPORARY measures.
They’re temporary, right?
Let all information be shared freely–no censorship measures are to be tolerated. So, stop the censorship work you’re doing, you guys. It’s wrong and violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, so you’ll get in trouble, won’t you?
Let each of us evaluate all available information which we have access to and share it with everyone who wants it.
All the professionals and corporations can have their say too and we can listen to them and weigh their opinions and facts.
Then each of us assesses the situation and votes yea or nay on whether to continue the lockdown measures, social distancing rules etc., so there is both a federal and provincial vote. Municipalities can join in too.
Canadians have the technical know-how to ensure the system works, is secure and fair.
Then there is a vote–weekly, I would say, since things move so quickly–I mean even food production plants are getting shut down so quickly and people are being sent home everyday–which seems a lot like the policies are sabotaging Canadian production. But we’ll be fine, right?
Other issues that are constitutionally acceptable can be added also (ironically). So, after this crisis ends eventually after some back and forth with each other, then we can go back to having normal lives again. But everybody will be better informed and will have had their say. And maybe we’ll have had some rough patches and hungry bellies, but at least it will be resolved fairly.
And we will also have a new tradition of direct democracy–like in Switzerland–to carry on after this interruption.
My alternative proposal is to return to respect for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms–which includes clear provisions about “security” of the person, meaning the right not to starve or become sick with malnutrition–as well as other rights about freedom of expression and freedom of conscience–all those things somebody forgot to teach you–and that way we can avoid the badge or tattoo planned for us when we all come down with the predictable symptoms–and we are forced to take it in order to be permitted to participate in the new ‘COVID-19’ technocracy–in order to do anything at all–which is a bit too much like the Mark of the Beast in the Book of Revelation, isn’t it? Someone’s following the same kind of pattern.
In any case, I think we would survive with my second proposal too.
But we could have our slogans too, such as democracy beats technocracy.
I don’t like the COVID-19 slogans because some people have suggested it stands for “Certificate of Vaccination Identification.”
By the way, considering that it took 30+ years to start even having a rumor about any kind of AIDs/HIV “vaccine”, vaccine manufacturers, you please tell us what the alleged “vaccine” (in the future sometime) is supposed to do, all of its ingredients–and genetic alterations and adjuvants–and what they’re supposed to do, and let us see all the results of years of experimentation. Then prove it in detail before offering it to us nicely. And the existing vaccines also–and the long list of planned “future” “vaccines” that dig right in there to “prevent addiction,” etc.
A direct democracy system could manage that–one where we had complete access to all information and zero censorship–and a vote on whether governments should promote those to people or not.
I wouldn’t surrender our rights and freedoms, I wouldn’t want the laws and treaties changed that protected the right to INFORMED CONSENT, but maybe the vaccine promotion decision wouldn’t go the way I liked. Maybe.
So, give it a try. I dare you. Here’s your opportunity to be for real.
And the people of Canada also–if many of you think you are so right in believing what they tell you on television and on your phones every minute, don’t be afraid of any information, don’t be afraid to let people inform you of contrary information, don’t be afraid to stop worshiping, for a minute, these people with power and professional titles. Consider the possibility that they are wrong.
Or let’s watch how wrong they are together. How about just letting all this stuff happen and not resist any of it. Everything’s going to work out fine, right? No.