Ethics – abortion vs. smoking, World Health Organization
June 14, 2003 – C
World No-Abortion Day
by Carlo Stagnaro,, June 7, 2003
So, the WHO and the whole coalition for WNTD warned that tobacco is “the first preventable cause of death in the world.” …
In fact, the first preventable cause of death in the world is another one, which the WHO, anti-smoking activists and health fascists never questioned. It is abortion. Every year, 40 million abortions are performed worldwide…
… anti-smoking zealots aren’t interested in saving children, because they have no interest in human life. Rather, they often hate children for the very same reason they hate smoking (and, along the same line, fatty food, alcoholic drinks, cellular phones, and so forth). They despise all that may result in more joy and happiness…
… The problem is that modern society is experiencing a dramatic lack of conscience about true values. So, “health” or “nature” or “choice” are seen as values in themselves, no matter what this means for human beings. So, in order to protect “public” health, the government is allowed to tread on individual liberty; in order to save nature, it may deny that any property right has ever existed; and in order to give people a choice, it may even kill children. Because abortion is murder, whatever you may think. You may say that a fetus is not “alive,” or a child is not a man; yet, a fetus is the same thing as a child, and a child is the same thing as a man…