Human trial testing of coronavirus vaccine derived from aborted human fetal cell line – Part 2 -confirmation that Ad5-nCoV uses the HEK293 cell line from an aborted baby
This post is just to confirm the information referenced in Part 1.
I checked with Dr. Alan Moy from the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, who is quoted in the article as identifying the cell line as HEK293.
You can see the origin of this cell line catalogued officially on the Internet
Dr. Moy told me the following and supplied details.
1. Ad5 is an adenovirus vector. Every COVID-19 vaccine that uses an replication-incompetent adenovirus vector is using an aborted fetal cell line (HEK293/PER.C6).–
2. Everyone in the biotech field knows that adenovirus vectors are made from aborted fetal cells (HEK293/PER.C6).-
3. Adenovirus vaccines were used and failed to prevent HIV.- Fitzgerald D, Janes H, Robertson M, Coombs R, Frank I, Gilbert P, et al. An Ad5-vectored HIV-1 vaccine elicits cell-mediated immunity but does not affect disease progression in HIV-1–infected male subjects: Results from a randomized placebo-controlled trial (The Step Study). The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 201210; 3(6):765-772
4. Janssen is developing adenovirus vaccine with PER.C6. So is CanSinoBio and Astrazeneca.
Also, the following is a quotation from his article in the June 2019 issue of Ethics & Medics: A Commentary of The National Catholic Bioethics Center on Health Care and the Life Sciences.
Article: “Morally Illicit Cells in Medical Reasearch” by Alan B. Moy, MD
. . . Cell lines like the WI-38 and MRC-5 were developed in the 1960s from aborted fetal lungs and are used in the production of vaccines. PER.C6 was created in the 1980s from retinal cells derived from aborted fetuses and is used for producing vaccines and manufacturing therapeutic proteins. Perhaps the most utilized cell is the HEK293, which was developed in the Netherlands during the 1970s from kidney tissue derived from aborted fetuses.
The HEK293 cell line is used in the production of biologics such as Pulmozyme, which is manufactured for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. It is also the most common cell
line used in viral research and in the production of gene therapy. As of 2017, there have been over 2,600 completed clinical trials in gene therapy. Also, the HEK293 cell is used to manufacture cell therapies. Several pharmaceutical companies manufacture CAR-T cell therapies to treat leukemia, which rely on viral vectors that were produced from HEK293 cells.
Pope St. John Paul II in Evangelium vitae stated that “the use of human embryos or fetuses as an object of experimentation constitutes a crime against their dignity as human beings who have a right to the same respect owed to a child once born, just as to every person.” In 2008, the
Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published Dignitas personae, which provides important guidance and moral instruction on medical research and drugs manufactured using cell lines like the HEK293. . .
One of the references at the end referred to the potential for further use of human fetal tissue with flu vaccines:
3. M. G. Pau et al., “The Human Cell Line PER.C6 Provides A New Manufacturing System for the Production of Influenza Vaccines,” Vaccine 19.17–19 (March 2001): 2716–2721, doi: 10.1016 /S0264-410X(00)00508-9.