Death Panels and COVID-19 – Summary – Part1
(Updated: October 5, 2020)
[Direct this message to Members of the Public / Business Owners / Political Representatives / Hospital Administrators / Medical Practitioners / Long Term Care Home or Retirement Home Administrators / Public Health Officials / Funeral Home Directors / Religious Leaders / Other Government Officials]
The Ontario (and other) governments introduced health care rationing policies in the spring along with COVID-19 policies as a supposed justification.
Combined with extreme isolation measures which contributed to the neglect of seniors, these rationing policies led to the failure to provide proper, reasonable medical treatment for many seniors–and to the concentration of infected seniors in care homes–sent out of hospitals to the care homes–and kept in the care homes instead of being sent to hospitals–which contradicts the supposed point of isolation measures.
I am very concerned that these policies have persisted and that they will have a large impact on the elderly members of our families and the public in general, especially with poor economic conditions and cold weather.
These policies are morally wrong.
Health care providers in Ontario need to refuse to follow health care rationing policies.
We need the end of decades-long indoctrination into “life-boat ethics” –which coincides with current “Great Reset” austerity dogma–and we need a restoration of human-supportive, life-affirming ethics immediately.
I provide the documentation below to show that large numbers of seniors were sent out of hospitals and prevented from being admitted to hospitals and ICU.
I show how hospital beds and resources were completely under-used.
The health care system was not overwhelmed in any way in Ontario. There was no shortage of any health care resources because many people were not provided with health care.
As a result of government policies, many seniors were isolated and neglected at a basic level in long term care homes and prevented from accessing hospitals.
References and other details in Part 2