Notes on December 27, 2020
I hope people are surviving all of this and pulling together.
Censorship note: From what I can tell based on a plugin I use for link management, certain mainstream “journalism” sites–namely and have been removing important stories from ten years ago. If people think the stories are going to stay up there for ever on the Internet, that isn’t happening.
Way Back Machine at is not managing to keep these specific pages for whatever reason. They have a notice about censorship problems also that has been up on their site for months:
In any case, I try to leave the original links visible for documentation purposes. You can search the above urls to see what I mean.
So down the “memory hole” have gone some very important articles on government spying, GMO, and vaccines as the public-private oligarchy reshapes their new world.
Tyranny only grows on corruption–lies–as we have seen over this past year. They won’t have perfect success. I think this will only go so far because many human beings will resist participating in this corruption.
I always liked this song Herne by the Irish group Clannad.
Value for value: Contributions are needed. If you find information of value, please support this effort to inform the public within and outside of Canada.