Aaron Russo Interview
Reflections And Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo
Russo’s personality and positive message about life shines through despite his illness.
This is actually a shocking interview. To sum it up: Communist Manifesto includes central bank + income tax. Insider source -> predicted event like 9/11 -> war on terror hoax in order to control the population -> banker takeover -> RFID chips in everyone -> totalitarian world government. Simple as that. So Americans need to abolish the Federal Reserve (central bank).
Aaron Russo ran for the U.S. Libertarian Party presidential nomination in 2004, which I kept up with at the time, and he should have won with his clear anti-imperialist pro-freedom message, except that the different types of libertarians obviously are conflicted about their priorities.
Also see his documentary America: Freedom to Fascism. He produced Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and the Rose with Bette Midler.
Other documentaries by Alex Jones include: End Game and The Obama Deception.