Law enforcement officers and military need to listen: perpetrators of crimes against humanity (leaders or followers) – are not protected from international law
Former British and Canadian Air Force officer. His channel is Real Canadian Liberal
His website has his bio:
Stew Staudinger BEng (HONS) ATP RAF RCAF Sqn Ldr (Ret’d)
There is an inspiring but grim message in these videos.
Rough summary of what he is saying: The rule of law. Whether or not we agree with the existence of these international institutions and laws, the laws target crimes against humanity. Domestic laws are being broken but international law is being broken also. This could lead to foreign military intervention potentially. One way or another, criminals will be brought to justice.
You need to watch these videos. There is a lot of information and I only touch on a few points in summary. I have linked to most of the laws he mentions at the bottom.
1. Justin Trudeau is going to prison, but what will it cost Canada and Canadians to attain justice? | February 12, 2022
Justin Trudeau has lead a government that has violated multiple international and national laws, committing Crimes Against Humanity. He has done this in a nation where provincial governments have also committed these criminal acts.
The mass criminality in Canada over the last two years is truly historic and the perpetrators, led by the Prime Minister, will eventually have to be brought to justice.
What is less certain is what the cost will be to Canada and Canadians. Will these criminals surrender peacefully or will solving this issue require more robust action?
For example, Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states the following:
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.
This means COVID vaccination passes are illegal.
Another example he mentions are snitch lines. He is referencing laws that include the Canadian Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.
He explains how perpetrators (officials or civilians) are not protected by saying they were following orders or other domestic laws.
2. Legal and Ethical roots of Freedom Convoy | February 12, 2022
Is the Freedom Convoy protest about mandates, human rights, vaccine passports, or something else?
It’s all of the above and then some. Download a copy of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966), the Rome Statute (1998) and Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act 2000. [see below for links]
Then read the Articles and Sections covered in this video.
Then decide who’s breaking what laws and whether the Freedom Convoy protests are justified or not, or whether lifting of mandates is sufficient redress of the underlying events to justify the protest ending.
Closing someone’s business is another example he mentions.
“Asymptomatic quarantine” is illegal because “asymptomatic transmission” is a fairy tale proven false in China and by other studies. Detaining people without a justification violates Article 9.
He gives an example of COVID-19 case fatality rate going up with one jab and then two jabs according to his interpretation of released Alberta statistics (Over 5 times more likely to die than the unvaccinated). Hospitalization rates are up significantly after the vaccines for most age groups. Mortality rate in Alberta is up 175% since the vaccines were introduced.
Since they carried on mass vaccination knowing these facts, it means there is a deliberate loss of life!
I could also mention the earlier boost in deaths among the elderly in many jurisdictions where there was a denial of treatment in multiple ways (documented even in the mainstream media).
3. Clarification of Crimes Against Humanity Law in Canada | February 15, 2022
A couple of critics/pedants called me out for paraphrasing Section 13 of the CAHWCA.
Here’s the ‘unparaphrased’ version.
He mentions how we signed on to the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and the ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights) at the same time, which were intended to integrate the Nuremberg Principles, Nuremberg Code, Nuremberg Charter, and Universal Declaration on Human Rights into international law.
Laws referenced with links:
- Canadian Criminal Code
- Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act 2000 (another copy)
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)
- International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (
- Rome Statute (originally: (1998) (another copy)
- Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (another copy)
- Nuremberg Charter
- Nuremberg Principles (of the Tribunal)
- Nuremberg Code
Some related posts:
- (includes links to other international treaties)
- My post on the federal Emergencies Act which Trudeau is now trying to invoke:
Some negative comments. I am concerned that things have been set up to collapse for the nation state. In my view, the logic of everything that is happening and what is described above seems to point to an intentional technocratic world dictatorship being imposed. This is outlined in the 2006 book A Brief History of the Future by Jacques Attali and in earlier writings by H. G. Wells. So I think we need to push back in every way to hold on to traditional principles and whatever ground we can collectively.