What the plan needs to be for the future (updated)
In my opinion, the kind of future the oligarchs have planned for us is one which is intolerable for normal human life. It is not something that the majority will be able to tolerate–if they could understand it.
Many of its aspects such as mass euthanasia–already evident in Canada–have arrived
For example, if Brave New World is an example of the model they are following for their agenda, then the theme of systematic euthanasia in the novel is already here. This and many other aspects of the agenda relate to depopulation or genocide.
Some aspects are not in the novel and some are. One aspect of the agenda in the novel is mass artificial reproduction to replace the tradition of allowing people to marry and reproduce. To me this would be preceded by targeting our reproductive systems to make it difficult or impossible to reproduce naturally without special assistance and permission–and this seems to be happening right now through the mRNA injections. To me, none of this can be allowed to proceed.
So there are two parts to our role as those who are aware of what has been going on for decades and of the future plans for this world from those who have wealth and power.
One is Truth–actual context, actual information from planning documents, actual evidence of what has been going on–from mind control experiments to fluoridation to the sexualization of children, to the sterilization of children through the cover of transgender ideology.
There are laws being broken, there are philosophical arguments to make, there are factual points to present–to the public, to officials, to business owners, professionals and community leaders of all kinds.
But Truth is not enough. A truth movement has never been enough.
The other part, to put it simply, is Justice–this means pushing people to assert their need for justice through the existing system–in order to STOP all injuries from these abusive policies–the full range of abusive, genocidal, anti-human policies that have been going on for decades out of the public consciousness for the most part.
It’s necessary to push the public into an awareness of the truth, and there needs to be active legal and political action for the public to assert what is in their best interest and future survival with the family structure and reproductive health and independence intact.
Core values need to be asserted that protect our present, natural state and future. They need to be enshrined by re-establishing and modifying existing laws. Proper, actual democracy needs to be asserted. Laws need to be re-asserted and modified to place boundaries around technologies such as nanotechnology that are threatening to human rights–including the right to life–the integrity of human biology and the integrity of all organisms in general.
The following processes need to be stopped:
Systematic euthanasia instead of proper, effective medical treatment.
Medical monopolies and restrictions on information about other methods of treatment.
The promoting of gender confusion which also leads to the atrocity of children being sterilized.
The one-sided promotion of unrestricted, subsidized abortion.
The one-sided promotion and subsidy of male and female sterilization–and potential mandated restrictions on having children.
The constant propaganda from the public-private media–whether through news or entertainment.
The COVID injections, especially the experimental mRNA therapies that are being pushed through coercive tactics–both the coercion needs to end and the shots need to end. There also need to be active attempts to remedy the injuries and repair whatever genetic damage has been done already.
Vaccines in general–and psychotropic drugs and other drugs–need to be examined as to their true effects and the true motives behind them.
Geoengineering. Many of these plans are clear violations of existing rights. And universities, governments and other organizations need to be told by the public to stop funding these fields of research.
Genetic modification of the food supply, use of certain toxins, attempts to monopolize the food supply.
Exposure to endocrine disruptors in food and plastics.
Exposure and health effects of radio frequency radiation (WI-fi and cellular) and its deployment as a tool of privacy invasion, surveillance and control over transactions. Respect for private property, the right to life and the security of the person, and community democratic rights need to be asserted.
Digital currency and digital identification as a means to monitor and restrict transactions by removing our ability to use cash (in whatever form) which allows for privacy–in donations to those in need for example.
Censorship and other rights violations. Basic rights and freedoms need to be restored. Censorship does not work with democracy. Free discussion is essential for full democracy.
Etc. This list is not complete. There are many issues to be addressed.
The current situation of growing mass awareness needs to be used to accelerate this process of awareness regarding the context and details of what is being done to humanity.
Independent organizations need to be formed who present solid data that can be used in court as evidence, that can be presented to the public, to values-oriented politicians, to business owners and other community leaders.
The will of the public should be used–by pushing for ways to have full democratic expression–direct democracy–to make necessary changes in institutions. The public needs to engaged in leadership and in organizing their society, in participating, not in leaving things to others any longer.
The temptation for many of us is to back off, withdraw and give up. I can see the point of having parallel societies but not the point of giving up on communication efforts and trying to hold on to society as a whole. If we can build more awareness of what is happening, there is more chance of our putting a stop to these agendas.
We need a transition from a corrupted society (corrupted by blackmail networks, money and secret oaths) to one that is founded on life-affirming principles, respect for rights and the stability of human society.
Their agenda threatens human survival and it needs to be stopped, so we need to turn all institutions in a positive direction by appealing to the public.