Do People Get Sick After Annual Flu Vaccines? (September 23, 2009)
One in three nurses ‘do not want swine flu vaccine’ | World news | The Guardian, August 18, 2009
“Of those who said they would not get vaccinated, 60% told Nursing Times [U.K.] that their reluctance was due to concerns about the safety of the vaccine…
“One respondent told the magazine: “I have had the seasonal flu vaccination three times and on each occasion was very poorly for several days afterwards. It can give you flu-like symptoms, which in my case were bad enough to put me in my bed.””
I hear stories like this personally about people getting sick after receiving the annual flu shot. So either it’s “not happening”, or the question needs to be asked about what is the point of the vaccine if some get sick after taking it?
Is vaccination really just a faith-based religion? Faith, trust and love for so-called “science” and government? It’s like church, really. So the imaginary conversation might go like this:
“I don’t know what’s in the vaccine, Dr. Smith, and neither do you actually, because you haven’t tested it yourself, but I know the authorities who recommend it love me, and I trust them.
“I don’t know what ( they put in the vaccine or how they make it, but I have faith in vaccine manufacturers.
“I’m so grateful for the government, media and society pressuring me into taking it. I know you care about us, and that’s why the unelected world government uses shame tactics and propaganda to push their tax-funded vaccines to help me. Thank you. I love you and trust you, because you people are my gods. You know so much. And I am just a peon.”
“And if a few (yes, I hear it’s just a tiny tiny tiny number of people) are hurt by the vaccines, we know that Spock said on Star Trek that the “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the view”. Freedom and respect for our rights isn’t always a luxury we can afford. Sometimes we have to break a few eggs to make an omelet as they say. Those are just the statistical casualties of medical science. A few should suffer so that we feel good and secure and maintain our faith in you and your vaccine’s effectiveness and safety!”
[End absurd monologue.]
I wonder if it is actually many people who get sick after the annual flu shot but don’t bother reporting it to the “medical authorities”? Should people just deny their own experience? Could the numbers be under-counted?
I know for myself, that if I got sick after taking the flu shot, I would feel a little ashamed for going against my intuition (and knowledge). And in any case, I wouldn’t be sure of which “authority” to report it to. And I would wonder whether they would want to know.
If I was a consumer, in fact, making a regular kind of purchase, I would insist on compensation. But if I’m a vaccine victim, I would just feel abused, powerless and victimized. That’s how I think I would feel.
But OH NO, that’s not “science”. That’s just an individual expressing his preference and personal experience and that would be classified as unacceptable unscientific “conspiracy-mongering” and you know how the mainstream media and “respectable” elements of society disapprove of people having their own opinions contrary to the established state religion of believing in things we’re told nothing about. Belief in the invisible, taking as holy the word of scientists or priests.
By the way, “respectable” applies to those in power, the ones who launch the wars and the war propaganda and all the other collectivist rituals of our society where innocent people get hurt. These are the same people who decide to pay for the vaccines with our taxes.
Should we not judge a tree by its fruits? Let’s start doing that and paying attention to the results, to the facts, to our experiences and reasoning and not just to the intense propaganda.